Olives europaea, Olea, "are the oldest fruit trees and are undoubtedly one of the most important fruit trees in history. Oliva was strongly associated with the rise and fall of Mediterranean empires and other advanced civilizations throughout the centuries. Because olive trees offered wealth and civilization of the future food supply established agricultural nations society became stable, the result of a legitimate than ever to ensure a continuous supplyand the supply of olive oil. This factor is a necessary prerequisite for growth and population growth. reliable production of fruit and olive oil makes the olives must exist in a stable and peaceful atmosphere. The stability should be extended for many years, because the oldest olive trees requires a plan of eight or more years before becoming the production of the first harvest of the fruit.
orchards of olive trees in production meant that a foundation of the great empires of Greece and Romeproduced and developed complex economic and political forces. It 's interesting to note that the historical decline of these empires corresponded to the destruction of olive groves, which has reduced available supplies of olives, olive oil, olive wood, soap and oil. In connection with the destruction of olive trees, it is interesting that in the wars of Israel with Palestine, 50,000 olive trees were destroyed by Israeli bulldozers. The act of agricultural productsdestruction provoked considerable anger and unrest throughout the Gaza Strip and West Bank since the economic survival of many Palestinian farmers rely on their products of olive trees uprooted. Moreover, the olive tree has historically been a "symbol of peace and goodwill", and when the olive trees were leveled near the city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus and the "cradle of biblical history, that" elimination olive tree seemed a deliberate provocation to end"The peace with the settlers and Palestinian farmers.
medicinal properties of olive oil has been reported from many ancient Greek philosophers and writers, their importance in creating wealth for the nutritional benefits and plenty of Greek continues today - some Greek olive tree that contains a million or more trees. Aristotle wrote extensively on the accepted methods of olive growing success.
Greek mythology records that Athena, goddess of wisdom and peace,struck his spear into the magical land, and turned it into an olive tree, then the place where the olive tree appeared and grew was called Athens, Greece, in honor of the goddess Athena. Local legend says that the original olive tree continues to grow after many centuries in the ancient holy site. People keep saying that all Greek olive trees originated from rooted cuttings, which were cultivated olive original. Homer argued in his writings that the ancient oliveAthens was already growing 10,000 years ago. Homer stated that Greek courts sentenced to death if they destroyed an olive tree. A. 775 C. Olympia, Greece, in the place of the old Olympic stadium, the athletes competed and trained, and the winners were triumphantly acclaimed and crowned with a wreath made of olive branches. Ancient gold coins were minted in Athens, is the face of the goddess Athena, with a crown of olive leaves on his helmet holding a clay pot of olive oil. TheGreek olive cultivation began in 700 BC.
The sacred lamp that was used in ancient Greek culture to illuminate dark rooms at night was fueled by olive oil. olive oil age was also used in sacred rituals of the rites of the church at weddings and christenings. Herodotus wrote in 500 BC, the cultivation of olives and olive-oil exports were so sacred that only virgins and eunuchs were allowed to cultivate olive groves. The first documentation of planting olive trees may haveoccurred during the Minoan civilization on Crete and is thought to have been growing around 3500 BC. Previous to the discovery that the Greek empire of the civilization of Mycenae fossil oil in 1600 BC and then. Sturt Manning, an archaeologist at Cornell University, reported Live Science magazine (April 28, 2005), the most devastating volcano occurred in ten thousand years on the Greek island of Thera, after which the city of Akrotiri was completely buried by falling ash. Thediscovery of fossil wood of olive and seed oil buried near the scene showed through carbon dating of the volcanic eruption occurred between 1660 and 1600 a. C. and may have contributed to the total destruction of the advanced Minoan civilization (Atlantis) on the island of Crete and may have led to the formation of the Sahara Desert in North Africa after the vaporization of native forest there.
The fragrant flowers of the olive tree are small and creamy white, hidden in the denseleaves. Some cultivars are self-pollinate, but others do not. The flowers usually start to appear in April and may continue for many months. A wild olive tree seedlings usually begins to flower and bear fruit at the age of 8 years. The olive fruit is a purple-black when fully ripe, but some varieties are green when ripe olives and become copper-brown color. The olive fruit size is variable, even within the same tree, and the shape varies from round to ovalwith pointed ends. Some olives can be eaten fresh after sun-drying and the taste is sweet, but olive varieties are bitter and must be treated with different chemical solutions before developing into table olives. If olives are thinned on the limbs of the trees 2 or 3 per branch, the maximum size of the olives will be much higher. The fruit is harvested in mid-October and should be treated early to prevent fermentation and decreased quality.
Olive leafthe trees are green-gray and are replaced at intervals of 2-3 years in spring after new growth appears. The annual pruning and seriously important to ensure continuity of production. The trees are unproductive members removed, so it is more fruitful "John 15:02. An olive tree can grow to 50 feet with a 30-foot extension of the limbs, but most producers will keep the tree pruned to 20 feet to ensure maximum production. new shoots and roots of olive trees out of the stock, althoughthe trees are cut. Some olive trees are believed to be over a thousand years and more zest for life ripe old age of 500 years.
Olives are frequently beaten with sticks of trees harvested mechanically or by shaking the fruit of the trees on the canvas. Most ripening olives are removed from the trees after most of the fruit begins to change color. It is important to pull the olive oil in a day after collection or fermented more or decrease in taste andquality will occur. Olive oil can be consumed or used in the kitchen shortly after collection in the press. Olive oils are unique and different, each brand of olive oil that his character, as determined by many factors, such as differences in taste only found in wines. Preparation commercial olive oils can vary greatly in aroma, flavor of the fruit, and if the flavor is, floral, nutty, moderate or mild, and the color of olive oil is very variable.
Olive oil producesmany health benefits when used in cooking or when poured over salads. The use of olive oil can improve digestion and metabolism of the heart may benefit through its low cholesterol content. Experts say that consumption of olive oil makes a person to grow shiny hair, prevent dandruff, prevent wrinkles, dry skin and prevent acne, strengthen nails, stop muscle pain, low blood pressure and reverse the effects of alcohol.
Olive trees can survive droughts and high winds, andgrows well in well drained, to a pH of 8.5 and trees can tolerate salt water conditions. In Europe, trees are normally fertilized every two years with an organic fertilizer. alternation can be avoided by heavy pruning and generally the trees respond to this very quickly and positively.
Olive trees must be purchased that have been vegetatively propagated or grafted, because the seed grown trees will produce a wild type olives with a smallbland taste. Olive trees are more resistant to diseases and insects than any other fruit tree, and therefore are sprayed less than any other crop.
Although commercial production of olives in the U.S. is only 2% of the world, a great interest in the cultivation of olive trees throughout the South has been stimulated by the recent introduction of promising trees olive Cold Hardy by European breeders. Many European immigrants in the United States increase their olives in largeships that can move inside and outside the home during the changing seasons.
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