What exactly is the purpose of government is to integrate social and health care plans?
strategic approaches should be implemented to prevent the coalition of public spending cuts at the expense of people's basic needs. This strategy has been to integrate social and medical care to trained social workers to work more closely with doctors and nurses to provide solutions in writing and is expected to increase at lower levelsbudget.
Plans to place social workers in health clinics can also help increase the visibility of social work has faced a barrage of negative news in recent years. Social recruitment companies care throughout the country for several years have seen a decline in new applicants. The hope is that the combination of the two professions, social workers can enjoy a level of prestige similar to that of doctors and nurses.
But traders are skeptical about the success of theseplans if the needs of patients and clients have been overshadowed by the politics of the hierarchy. An article published on the website of the Commonwealth of convergence of critical care for launching the real needs of patients in preference to unspecified schemes designed to tackle problems such as obesity and teenage pregnancy.
"Convergence []: a step away from playing a constructive role in addressing the needs of children with disabilities or whoseparents have mental health problems. Instead, perform surveillance and control functions in relation to an important part of the population. "
The proposed amendment would mean that social workers should play a disproportionate role administration. Instead of improving the attitude of public opinion in social work, this would be totally refurbished in a role that is actually less valuable to society.
But anyway, the current function within socialcare is still necessary, this new plan would only lead to greater spending, for example, Locum social work. While permanent social workers involved in the surgery, all practical work and placement in the database, it is still necessary.
The strategic plan should be carefully considered. While the situation of social workers should be improved, the redefinition of social work is not the answer. Have already made an important and necessary work, attention should focus on improvingknowledge of the important services of social workers.
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