
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Healthy Alternatives Chlorine - swimming pool salt chlorinator

You are drinking tap water with chlorine and swimming in a chlorinated pool? global research chrorine discovered what may be unhealthy because of possible health risks, such as bladder cancer, lung damage, asthma and more.

CHLORINE healthy alternatives: POOL SALT Chlorinators

Instead of continuing to use harmful chemicals in the pool, many people turn to a natural way to keep your pool clean and healthy. Pool salt chlorinator is an efficientalternative that is becoming a healthier choice. Salt from water sanitation systems are a natural way to keep your pool crystal clear and well disinfected. SALT WATER WORKS AS Water Chlorinator Chlorinator salt contains a pile of salt. The mild salt water is sterilized by a process called electrolysis. The salt makes the water conductive so that electricity can pass between the plates in the salt content of the cell. As the water passes between the plateselectrolysis occurs, causing a chemical reaction which releases chlorine from the salt. By adding a small amount of crystallized salt that is very similar to table salt, chlorine joint is created. During the process, chlorine is converted back to salt. Therefore, the salt does not end so you only need to boot once or twice a year. The minimum level needed to keep the pool clean is about 3,000 parts per million of salt in water.


Saltwater chlorinator automatically maintains pool water always sterile and healthy. You no longer need to store product packaging shock treatment of chlorine or algaecides, which can be a danger to the safety of children and pets. Installing a saltwater pool chlorination system means crystal clear water and a sparkling clean pool all the time. Atlantis also puts an end to pain, red eyes, itchy skin and odor. You will also feel fresh and keeps the skin soft andtexture. In other words, you will not feel like you just had a bath in a chemical soup.

The Atlantis salt pool chlorinator requires little maintenance and very easy to use, connects directly to your existing pool equipment. Automatic cleaning saves you time and money. You only need to check the pH and alkalinity from time to time rather than daily. Electrolysis produces very safe disinfectant known as hypochlorous acid (HOCl). This acid is much weaker than the samesanitizer that is produced when chlorine is added to pool water. It also activates other salts in water to produce more disinfectants, without the negative effects of the chemistry of chlorine and pool chemicals associated with self-added.

A winning solution for you and your family

Reduce the costs of chemicals that make it easier on the wallet. The money you save by not buying expensive and harmful chemicals end up paying for the salt electrolysis unit. Healthbenefits for you and your family is that you can not put a price. You can rest easy knowing that your pool is disinfected, even when not at home.

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