The soul is something completely different from that spirit. Soul of the matter is manifest. The spirit is not. The Spirit can not be captured and documented scientifically, and soul and in the future. The soul is a spark of electricity that enters the body and way of thinking. Y "in the center of the etheric matter, is a small" patch of cloud "(the etheric matter) having an infinitesimal prick power built into it.
This line of clouds, the soul,residence in any chakra is determined that the soul wants to express and work in this life. Remains in the ethereal body energy chakras until the combination of soul and personality. At this point enters the physical matter is built into the physical body is related to the chakra that was chosen. It enters the brain, then this soul with messages, sent to the brain through the nervous system where they are processed and used bybrain to determine the action on the physical plane.
Etheric matter is something that can not be captured and held in his hand. It is made of ether, which is the atmosphere in an energy field, a rarefied atmosphere, perhaps it would be a better way of putting it. Your etheric body that surrounds fitness. Moves to the atmosphere around the solid body with a thinner, finer substance of the higher vibrations. These higher vibrations that reflect the colors of the prism in a way different from the ordinaryMakes environment. This is exactly the same as a rainbow. Maybe this is the best description could be given of etheric matter, a rainbow. A rainbow is something you can see and know, but you know you can never touch and also is known to be real, because you can see. Some people may see this as the field around the physical body. So I know this is what the mind is the ethereal substance around the physical organ called the brain. Thethe personality is built on top of the mind as an even more ethereal light. The two are mixed in the end, but the matter remains ethereal. That never occur in physical matter.
The soul is an ally, if you will, the physical body, an element of a bridge between the physical evolution and the evolution of God or evolution exoteric and esoteric. The soul is the part of bringing the original spark, the engine that drives the piece of nuclear energy, sitting among theoven that has formed around the set. Y "embedded in the emotional body.
The amount of the influence of the soul in incarnation has on personality development depends on two factors. One is the physical form of the gene and the other is the spiritual evolution of the subject incarnate. Those on the upper floors have been experimenting with leaving the more evolved souls into more accurate physics. Now they are beginning to work with the idea thatmaybe this is not the right approach and the more evolved souls animal should be a way. The souls that take the incarnation, and he could earn "extra credit" for growth.
This was what happened before Atlantis was destroyed. Some souls volunteered to go in the half, leaving themselves out of the embodiment of the qualities most closely to determine whether men in a masculine and feminine qualities in a feminine form worked better thanwhich souls enter asexual single sexed body. It has been found to work better and all human creation has been restored. Those on the upper floors are trying to determine if progress as a milestone in the course of human evolution.
Depends on the combination of two factors. A physical form of the highly refined, along with a highly evolved soul would have much influence on daily activities. Animal form is usually made from less evolvedand we have very little control. The implications are obvious and maybe you can see the base of the thoughts of those on the upper floors, as the more evolved souls have come to the animal forms. At first I had no control over what part of the divine spark that wine is particularly animal. The situation changed at the time of Atlantis and the inclusion of the bodies began to be regulated. Now maybe it's time for a stricter controlRegulation comes into force.
Your soul in incarnation, is the knowledge of the objectives set for this life, karma (the blame for past actions) to delete, and what lessons you want to learn about the attitudes or behaviors. Your soul knows and what are their weaknesses and what are its strengths. These strengths are the knowledge acquired in previous incarnations he has chosen to bring this life to help with lessons and objectives of this life.The soul knows all this in the inner planes.
The two halves of the soul, the incarnation of one and the rest on the inner planes, are fully aware of the full path of progress that must be taken for the souls in their spiritual quest. They have the knowledge of how to work the Akashic records, be aware of future stages of progress, be aware of earlier developmental achievements in all realms. Not much to not know the spiritual life. What is notknow are the lessons to be learned. These are how to combine physical matter with these spiritual truths and bring that knowledge to the inner planes. This will help form a more evolved soul to experience all that the Creator can be experienced on this planet before he moves. You see, all the sparks that fell all to evolve to become one with God the Creator before he can move on. Therefore, one objective above all is to help everyone else in yourevolutionary growth so we can all move forward together.
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