
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Age of Aquarius (the role of choice, chakras karma, suffering, diseases, absolute goal, all-powerful power)

This lecture is devoted to the comprehension of Jesus Christ, energetic field. the role of choice, chakras karma, suffering, diseases, supreme goal, divine power. Theseries of lectures about my spiritual contacts with the Highest Mind containing information about different types of energetical bodies, chakras, information about extraordinary possibilities of the human organism, about the presence of the program of life and other information got by me through the contacts with the Highest Mind. You can know a lot of information from my lectures about the energetic bodies, chakras and kundalini and their participation in different kinds of human activity, in extrasensory abilities of human's body such as telepathy, pranic nourishment, about different directions of mankind's thoughts and philosophical theories and about their advantages and disadvantages, about the approaching global catastrophe and about the ways of avoidance of this global and terrible disaster. You will also learn a lot of information about pranic nourishment and its role in future evolution of our humanity.

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