
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Secret societies and the New World Order, now RULE THE WORLD ... And they killed John F. Kennedy

I made this video of images from this document, 425 pages online that can be viewed and downloaded at Scribd. The summary below. It took more than two years of Eric Dubay to assemble. I suggest you take a look. I added the Kennedy speech, which has delayed the murder. In case you wanted to change the secret societies that now rule the world. Table of Contents: Presidential Bloodlines The New World Order Big Brother Society surveillence FEMAThe concentration camps of the secret society network of Freemasonry Illuminati, the Committee of 300 Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove Federal Reserve Roundtable CFR and RIIA CIA Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission False Flag Operations Problem, reaction, the solution of the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor and World War WWII Operation Northwoods Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam War Oklahoma City bombing Campos media handling 11.09 conspiracy government forced indoctrination fluoride AIDS vaccine HealthBrotherhood Symbology Illuminati Pyramid called All-Seeing Eye The Dollar Bill Sun Star USA Incorporated schools, courts, churches and worship of Saturn, film and music industries hidden Masonic Numerology 5 13/12 32/33 40 666 7.7 / July. 9 to 11 numerology and symbolism of the calendar / time manipulation of Christopher Columbus and the New World The Religious Conspiracy astrotheology Santa, Jesus, Mithra and the Magic Mushroom Atlantis The Moon Landing Hoax Aliens and demons orderChaos ...

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