People have always been drawn to crystals, mainly due to its visual appeal, the exquisite purity, the great game of colors and transparency "crystalline." Crystals, semiprecious and precious stones, however, has other important features, which makes them very suitable for use as tools in different metaphysical spiritual and healing practices.
Science considers spiritual crystals and all other members of the mineral kingdom as living beings arebasic level of consciousness evolution. This is in contrast to the widespread belief on the basis of the parameters of modern science, with glass, not classified as living beings.
In possession of different crystal vibrations are capable of storing energy, according to their intrinsic nature. It can also increase energy consumption and bring back to us and our environment through resonance and vibration. Your help can be invaluable, if we treatas living beings. Once you have mastered the ability to communicate with our crystals, which will reveal much more - their virtues and qualities are hidden.
It is believed that the spiritual foundation to work with glasses of wine from the Atlantis, where the technology for the production of synthetic crystals have been far-reaching expectations, enabling the production of large-scale crystals that are used for different purposes.
Among the large number of crystalsavailable, can be difficult for us to choose the right pane. There are some important points of the choice of crystals to be considered before making our minds, such as visual impact, the intuitive appeal and attractive in the glass core values and skills.
Once the glass in particular was chosen and purified, for example, with the help of one of the four elements (water, fire, earth and air), you can load and program. With the load, we associatethe types and quality of energy we put into our glass. Through programming, we have selected our plant thoughts, feelings and intentions in the energy pattern of the crystal, and then amplify and deliver our glass back to us.
The color of the crystals can be a good indicator of what kind of method to make the metaphysical or specific healing energies are adequate.
For example, the colorless or white crystal violet open the doors of perceptionachieve unity with the universe and transcendent love. red crystals are symbols of life, vitality and power. They move energy, heats up. orange crystals promote vital energy, self-control and regulate the functioning of the sex glands. yellow crystals aid digestion, affects the normal functioning of the liver, gallbladder, kidney and spleen. Spoke unconscious fears, and promote balance. green crystals represent the color of love, health, harmony and creativity.Help with diseases of the heart, regulate blood pressure, calm nerves and stimulate love.
Finally, it is important to remember that for millions of years have absorbed the ubiquitous cosmic love crystals, amplified, and publicize their stable energy vibrations around them. Supported the creation of God, pouring out his love and spirituality in the world, sending sunlight, love and warmth, and with it, its structural stability. Therefore,may be comforting to know that our faithful friends, counselors, and teachers.
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