Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome or Atlantis, is an insidious disease because it is not easy to diagnose, and can be treated both by natural and pharmacological treatments.
The term fibromyalgia was established in 1976 by the combination of "mine" Greek terms (muscle) and "algos" (pain). The "fibro" meaning fibrous tissues prefix, such as tendons and ligaments. It is a disease that causes chronic pain and muscle stiffness,and although the term fibromyalgia back a few decades ago, this disease was also known in the 19th century, when it was called fibrositis. Fibromyalgia can be defined as a rheumatic disease that affects the muscles. This disease causes an increase in muscle tension that affects all the muscles of the body.
It is not easy to diagnose fibromyalgia does not cause changes in laboratory tests and is not detectable by X-ray Besides this, people affected by thisthe disease does not appear sick, and very often parents and doctors do not believe they are sick. This is also why fibromyalgia has recently been defined, although it was known in the 19 th century, and researchers are constantly looking to find the most appropriate treatments, which can be both natural and pharmacological. As mentioned above, the term fibromyalgia was used in 1976, and the diagnostic criteria have been developed only in 1990, the "Copenhagen Declaration" onThe diagnosis of fibromyalgia has been accepted internationally, was held in 1994. The main techniques for the recognition of this disease are the history and feel of 18 "tender points": a patient with fibromyalgia feel pain in at least 11 of those points.
But what are the main symptoms of this disease? Among the most common disorders that affect people who suffer from fibromyalgia, there is no muscle pain, which can be generalized and localized (especially in the neck,shoulder, back and legs), which is caused by muscle tension caused by the disease. Another consequence of muscle tension and stiffness, which limits the movement and can give a feeling of swelling of the joints. Do you suffer from excessive muscle tension also means that the muscles are never at rest, and this makes the tiredness and fatigue, even after slight exertion. In addition, patients with fibromyalgia may wake up and feel like I've rested enough.
As mentioned above, for the treatmentfibromyalgia are not natural and pharmacological treatments. With regard to physical therapy, you can do stretching, aerobics and other exercises. In order to recover lost sleep by staying in the massage and hot spots are also very important, and to treat other symptoms of physical therapy and application of anti-inflammatory creams and oils can be helpful. You can also choose to stay at some spa (for example, Abano Terme, Italy). With respect toDrug treatment is concerned, there is no universally accepted treatment, but some drugs are very effective. This is the case of certain types of antidepressants, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), muscle relaxants and calcium, magnesium, vitamin and trace mineral supplements.
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