One of my favorite devices of science fiction would be the "field of forces." If the picturesque going up quickly a force field of the original series Lost in Space TV show, or nail biting shields in 5% of the master "of the original Star Trek.
These imaginary force field protect us from a series of bad ranging from a Klingon phaser shot to the relentless attack of the Wraith in Stargate Atlantis. It 's very good for science fiction, but close to the way in whichdeveloping a real force field of the world? Much closer than you think! Welcome to "cold plasma."
Plasma Wikipedia defines as "a partially ionized gas, in which a certain percentage of the electrons are free and not be related to an atom or molecule on the ability of positive and negative charges to move somewhat independently makes the plasma conductor electricity for that. reacts strongly to electromagnetic fields. "The problem is that the plasma is very hot. cold plasmaOn the other hand can occur at room temperature, which is much easier to handle.
"Hot" plasma, but is more dense, not very practical to use a defense shield because of its destructive temperature. You will have to employ a defense shield against the defense shield! This is where the cold plasma
cold plasma, combined with powerful electromagnetic fields could protect us from a variety of incoming threats. cold plasma is injected around a ship instead ofelectromagnetic fields. Being electrically charged plasma is added to the intensity of the electromagnetic field. The denser the plasma in the field, the better the field will be down. The shield would be generated would be able to deflect the microwave radiation, particle beams, lasers and other solid objects such as meteors and micro bullets, depending on the density of the field.
cold plasma can also be deployed in the atmosphere, however, require much more power.The magnetic field is still losing more energy than is reflected in the cold space and dissipates more quickly when in contact with the atmosphere.
Another spin off of these screens is the possibility of concealment. Not exactly like the Klingon cloaking device from Star Trek, more like a "mirror of energy" which reflects or absorbs radar waves. That means that the radar would have seen anything.
Another application for the cold plasma is the ability to sterilize anddecontaminated. Not related to the field strength, but just as impressive. cold plasma destroys the integrity of cell membranes to provide an effective way to eliminate biological threats.
We still have a little more to go to our next generation of spacecraft to be equipped with a field strength of cold plasma. In the near future astronauts on the ISS crew can be protected from the cold plasma radiation potentially fatal.
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