Ascension can be quite uncomfortable as the frequency of vibration of the entire form, at the cellular level, is changing. Should not be difficult, however. Fortunately, there is a new form of energy medicine in the world to help us through this phase and is called EDINA energy medicine.
Energy medicine includes things such as Quantum Touch, Reiki, Touch for Health, Healing Quantum Psych-K, and Energy BodyTalk system matrix. So what isEDINA special? Acts directly on the body of Light. The ancients certainly knew how to work in the Body of Light. Shamans around the world of healing techniques used in the body of light in ancient times, though largely lost over the centuries. Changes in the body of light affect the person physically, emotionally and spiritually. While most of us can not see the light, you will definitely feel. When EDINA, almost anyone can sense light, as it isintroduced in various parts of the body.
EDIINA healing ability to recover is the Body of Light Starbeings increased from Sirius-B called Ankenash, who are members of the Ashtar Command, which interact with humanity and with the permission of our Spiritual Hierarchy.
So what is the Body of Light? And "the doubled power of our physical body ceases to die. In the light leaves the body at death. I have personally seen three different times, whileRCP gives a stranger in an airport in 1990. Clear evidence of the Body of Light comes to us in the form of Kirlian photography, where the Body of Light is a light mark on the film can be photographed coming out of the hands of healers. If this technique is used to view a photo page, see a bright version of the paper. Next, cut a piece of paper, and still see the light from the entire sheet in the next picture you take. Why? It is because the light bodyremains intact. And if a person has an arm or a leg amputated, we still feel the missing limb. Pain or itching may, for example. This is known as "phantom limb" syndrome. The person is really feeling sensations in the body of light in your arm or leg.
We work directly with the Body of Light, when we practice EDINA. Link to Ankenash, Starbeings Sirius-B, follow the instructions of those in which techniques to use for this EDINAparticular client, and in what sequence. Ankenash our customers' work (or car) was extended to the realms at the same time we are working on three / four dimensions (or density). Telepathically communicate with us or words heard clairaudience, and visions of what to do next, or simply a sense, these Starbeings love and help guide us in the healing session. This light / energy surges through the palms. EDINA in advanced classes to learn moreascended beings connect with Hathor assistance call our sound healing.
EDINA can be used on yourself or others, and requires an initiation to join. Techniques is increasingly given to us Starbeings Sirius-B, and then share in the advanced classes for those interested in participating. Light energy, color, sound, and most mandalas are used, including some of the medical techniques and shamanic chi gong. Several methods have been lostHigh period of Atlantis have been reassembled in this form of healing, the parties have been fragmented and spread across the globe and pieces stored in different cultures.
What we have seen with EDINA to heal? Well, a snore. Do not laugh. It can be very important in a marriage to sleep with your loved one! Some of the other reports, including the relief of narcolepsy disorder, emotional, insomnia, panic disorders, allergies, back pain, digestive problems,terminal disease of blood and pain in the joints, to name a few.
The main objective of Edina, however, is to help humanity in this process called ascension. The Ankenash work with the client / professional gradually reconnect the 12 strands of DNA / RNA, and minimizing the side effects of the ascension process. What are the side effects? The ascension symptoms may include feeling intense pressure, sensitivity to the environment, excessive heat in the body the day or night, feelingdisorientation in space, getting up at 2:04 a.m., largely alternative sleep for 12 hours or more, anxiety, confusion about identity, violent dreams (as releasing trauma from past lives), feeling things that are "not is there. " EDINA Energy Medicine sessions can help minimize discomfort attacks in order to facilitate the process of ascension. This is the main purpose of this work.
For more information about the symptoms of ascension and EDINA please visit the site,There are many hours instructors, and our start span the globe. We'd love to have you join us in this exciting experience!
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