
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When enough? ! I hope it's too late! PRAY AND FIGHT!

Therefore, in order that a man can understand their weakness, which comes from himself, and the strength that comes from me, sometimes it's necessary for my great mercy allows you to be tempted by evil thoughts. While not allowed to have a cleansing for the soul and the protection of their virtues. Although it can be taken with a grain of spicy mustard, are still very healing for the soul and lead to eternal life and the type of health can not be acquiredwithout some bitterness. Therefore, the vessels of the soul, where are the good thoughts, to be well prepared and always clean, it is good that evil thoughts arise both as a process in order to gain more merit. However, the soul must work diligently to not consent to them or love. Otherwise, the sweetness and the development of the soul is lost, leaving only bitterness. In the second house must also be instrumentsof two types: the first instruments, external, such as the plow and the hoe to prepare the ground for planting and uprooting brambles out to, secondly, the internal and external tools such as axes and the like. Tools to cultivate the land, symbolizing the human senses. These should be used for the benefit of others, as the plow is used on the floor. Poor people are like the soil of the earth, because I always think in this world. Are...

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