
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, the end of the war, the creation of Immortality, Gurdjieff Part 2 of 2

Gurdjieff died in 1949, the same year as Ramana Maharshi.

Gurdjieff essentially synthesized ancient esoteric teachings and made them accessible and applicable to the life of the Western rational individuals. Seminal concepts and methods are still in spiritual work of the West.

A researcher is in his teachings an immeasurable treasure, the essence of the teachings of many others, both spiritually and psychologically, in the inner life.

This Gurdjieffextraordinary system of thought, ranging from the most intimate, psychological understanding of a grandiose cosmology linking the individual with the universe, is a synthesis of practices and teachings known as The Fourth Way.

Then there is the man himself. Gurdjieff was the archetype of the Master, smiling with extraordinary psychic powers developed in secret schools and monasteries somewhere between the Caucasus and the Himalayas, the ideas brutal breaking the soul, it was wonderful humorvillain is very deep and widespread.

Gurdjieff also had a capacity to love was matched only by their ability to express anger. He was a master hypnotist, a principal actor, a master healer.

Those who knew him often had opposite ideas of who he was, usually as a result of intentional behavior.

How many masters, Gurdjieff sometimes gave the impression of being a charlatan or mad arrogant selfish people, while for others it wasmore enlightened man would never find.

His radiant energy, the Master Buddhafield always follow the negative energies of people to send a lot of people away, and attracted people with a lot of good positive energy Alma.

Therefore, as with all Masters, Gurdjieff consciously separate the bad from the good wheat weeds!

This powerful teacher Gurdjieff, with eyes that pierced into the depths of the soul was also an old man whose pockets were full of candyfor children.

He has worked with many methods to circumvent the mind has worked with dance, Gurdjieff said, "I am a simple teacher of dance." Devi Dhyani gave performances of "The Sacred Dances of Gurdjieff" in order to spread their Buddhafield more difficult to drive out evil and good exciting.

And to explain the theory of substances such as hydrogen, carbon and oxygen in Ouspensky's book, "The Fourth Way, Gurdjieff was teasing him, taking veryintellectual theory to tell long-winded intellectual Ouspensky and everyone else reading, to circumvent the mind, "It takes a master of radiation to accelerate its development!

Main concepts of separation or energy blocks, as the body Kundartiguador, Mechanical people, Sub - personality and character of the soul or essence that is described in the first article on Gurdjieff

However, in his third book of the trilogy, Tales to his Grandson Beelebub, spoke of twointerconnected concepts .. Maintenance is the mutual orbit Macrocosmic Taoist meditation and influences affirm and deny the man.

Here's a quote, "individuals with higher and more sacred than take the necessary measures to ensure the formation of what on Earth is sacred flame 'askokin," that this sacred cosmic substance that is essential for the maintenance of' universe can continuously deliver their planet.

"He also explained that compliancecosmic substance, the sacred 'askokin, "exists in the universe, usually mixed with' abrustdonis" sacred substances 'helkdonis, thus quickening the degree necessary to maintain like,' askokin "the sacred substance must first be released from the other two substances.

"Actually, my son, I immediately understood everything I said, everything was clear to me only later when, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic laws, whichlearned that "abrustdonis' helkdonis' sacred substances are those substances that enter the formation and development of higher being bodies of the three-brained beings - is, 'kesdjan body" and "soul body" - and separation of income sacred askokin 'of the two substances when people of any planets that are sacred transmute substances themselves to training and promotion of the upper body, throughWorking conscious and intentional suffering.

"And when I became interested in these favorites of hers and began to observe and study the alien minds, finally figured out why and for what purposes and largest natural high and holy patience are always best suited to all things in this regard, the following personal opinion has been formed in me.

"If these favorites to think seriously about this and sincerely serve naturethus, his being "self-perfection then proceed automatically, with-
the participation of their knowledge, and in any case, the nature of the poor of this planet would be unfortunate not strain so hard to adapt to remain within the common cosmic harmony.

"But for the misfortune of all that exists in Megalocosmos, no honesty in your favorites in the performance of their duties, until nature, in truth, they have their ownexistence.

"As for the lack of honesty in their favorites on the performance of their duty towards nature, I just remembered a saying of our wise Mullah Nasr Eddin incomparable master the hidden meaning of which is confirmed in this case.

"'The plague and cholera, however, the most noble of human decency, for people with a conscience can at least live in peace with them."

"And so, my dear Hassein, when it became clear that it had completely disappearedthe psyche of your favorites to the instinctive need to work conscious and intentional suffering to receive and transmute in themselves the sacred substances and helkdonis abrustdonis - the liberation of the sacred askokin maintaining the 'Universe - Great Nature has been forced to adapt and extract this sacred substance by other means, one of which is precisely the terrible regular process of mutual destruction.

"Here, for a proper assessment ofcontemporary favorites, will be recalled that after the body had been removed from the brain Kundartiguador beings of their planet, the first generations of their descendants soon learned it was a substance that is transformed through them and that their help in This transformation was one of his main duties being.

"Remember I told you that the brains of three beings of the continent of Atlantis, also considered thisduty is sacred, and called it 'amarloos', which support their language means "to the Universe."

The Central Spiritual Sun sends energy shines, saying Influences on the ground in different amounts at different times dependent astrology.

Human beings and nature are all designed to transform the different amounts of energy through the maintenance of meditation and mutual denial Influences return to central spiritual sun.

mutual maintenanceMeditation has also evolved humanity, the creation of bodies to be Kesdjan higher soul and body, and allows a greater quantity and quality of energy to be transmuted.

If the mutual maintenance does not occur then

"It 's also been fully demonstrated in the theory that at certain times Atarnakh according to astrology, which inevitably must come in the earth a fixed amount of deaths, as in all of its production to the vibrations of a degree of power. "

Energyof these deaths, unless otherwise provided for meditation, are supplied by natural causes like the tsunami, the sacrifice of animals, or killing of human beings through the war, or as it is called Gurdjieff, periods of mutual destruction.

Gurdjieff said that the death or slaughter of animals was ugly. Part of the Story Beelzebubs his grandson was the way he came to the planet many times over thousands of years and during that time has stopped the practice of previous animal and humansacrifice, created in times of Babylon.

Death by wars or natural disasters or the sacrifice is an abomination.

Without the completion of the process of mutual maintenance meditation, life become shorter and people will forget about his previous life, in his next birth. In a sense, the conclusion of mutual maintenance meditation leads to immortality!

So the solution to the problem of war and also has advanced development of mutual mediationMaintenance resulting in the process of being tough - to open the heart, the work of conscious and intentional suffering for the sake of others.

So learn and practice improvement initiatives of energy - Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Samadhi, samyama, Kundalini Kriya, Chinese Alchemical Taoism and the orbits of micro and macrocosm, the vitriol and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, detention negative energy, maintenance of reciprocity, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Raja YogaYoga and the Bhagavad Gita Eighteen classic.

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