
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


SECRET KNOWLEDGE - "NOT FOR US TO KNOW"? Courtesy: Night Sector1 At the beginning of the Clip are various FAKE STORIES - LIKE THE "LOCH NESS MONSTER" + THE FAKE FAIRY STORY & of course the more recent "911" FAKE STORY - IT WAS A FALSE FLAG INSIDE JOB - PRECISELY as Adolf HITLER used the breaking of the windows of the German Parliament [by his "Brown-Shirts"] GW BUSH used the very same DECEITFUL trick to start the WAR IN IRAQ and steal/misappropriate OIL to secure TOTAL CONTROL of the IRAQ Oil fields - the second largest finite OIL reserves in the World! Start researching TOP SECRET "OPERATION NORTHWOODS" & the HIJACKING DRILL that had been long before pre-arranged on the very morning of 911/2001 in the PEOC [Presidential Emergency Operations Center under the personal control of Dick CHENEY] in the deep basement of the White House - that deliberately killed 3000+ people in a Ritual Sacrifice! What happened next at the Emma E. BOOKER Elementary school in Sarasota, Florida was all important to understand as it was the means to communicate to Freemasonry & those who were aware the meaning of 911! Look up the Pet "GOAT" of "911" Look at the words the children had to read individually and put them together in a sentence: KITE - PLANE - MUST - HIT - STEEL ["KITE PLANE" means a radio-controlled plane that is controlled from the ground and not under full control by the aircraft - that is not necessarily the same aircraft that took off from the airport in question]. MIDDLE EAST OIL ...

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Weight Loss Journey..The 17 Day Diet. Intro and my day 3 results!

Hi Lovelies..this is the beginning of my weight looss journey, so I decided to share my journey with you... After seeing Dr. Moreno on the Dr Phil Show and The Doctors..I decided to give it a try. Here is a link to the 17 Day Diet Website: I am an everyday person..trying to lose a few pounds and get fit and healthy. This video was recorded on february 5th, 2011 day 3...I am down 3 pounds. I have exercised for 17 minutes each day from day 1. I am the type of person that needs support. Sme people can lose weight all on their own..but that's not me. follow me on twitter: my twitter: follow me on my website: I have full permission to use all songs being played in my videos all which are original work from PhillyzJamPoet. This track is owned by me as a licensed remix to JamPoet's HandOutstretched.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

SHF Sunday Update: Las Vegas! Thank you to all of our sponsors! What's to appear abutting week!

(0:23)- Las Vegas! Lots of sweet videos to come! (1:44)- Thank you to ALL my Sponsors!! (4:36)- Fan Art Winner! (4:40)- AIDS/LIFECYCLE Update: Ride is going AWESOME! What is the best way to STRETCH and stay LOOSE? Check out for more information and detailed exercises! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook! Check out my Routines & Tips on the SEARS FitStudio page! :) iPhone App! Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN Check out my Meal Plan!: View TRX Pro Pack Here! Follow me on Twitter!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

God - The Greatest Mystery

"I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is." -Albert Camus

The question is not whether God is but what God is?

There is no concept that is as differently defined, evokes as many different reactions and is yet as powerful as the concept of God. Since childhood all of us are told by our parents and others about the greatness, power and glory of the lord. But the concept is generally told at a superficial level without being clearly or deeply explained or understood. The tests of rigorous logic and the new knowledge revealed by science are often not applied to this concept of god.

The concept of god probably had its origins in man's search for answers about his environment and about his own purpose in life. The concept is older than most of the organized religions that exist today. Most likely the concept developed with the development of language and human thought. The concept is not static; it has changed over time and will change in the future. Primitive man feared, worshiped and was in awe of the forces of nature like the sun, clouds, rain, thunder etc and also personified them. He also worshiped inanimate objects like stones and mountains. But as human knowledge progressed, man came to know that these things were not God but mere creations of god. In the past there were a number of mythological gods as well like the Roman and Greek gods who are no longer worshiped.

In present times the most popular view about god considers him to be Transcendent (beyond the world) as well as Immanent (present within the world). The first attribute emphasizes his independence from and power over the world and the second one emphasizes his hold over and participation in the world process. He is also visualized in a personal way i.e. he is supposed to have a direct relationship with the individual; he listens to the individual's prayers, helps him in distress and rewards or punishes him according to his actions. God is also believed to be omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (present everywhere), infinite and eternal having no beginning or end in either space or time. God is also associated with certain human characteristics or emotions like love, goodness, mercy, forgiveness etc.

It is interesting to note the similarities about the concept of god in various religions. The attributes of a transcendent and an immanent god that are expressed in Gita find a resemblance to those in the Bible, the Koran and some other religious texts. There are other similarities as well in these texts. For eg. the rules of conduct of a yogi (Hindu ascetic) and the Ten Commandments have much in common. Now some people may think that these are a result of similar divine revelations or of borrowings from each other. But I believe that this is a case of parallel development of thought. As man is searching for a higher reality above him, so its characteristics must be far greater than those of man. As man is not omnipotent, god must be. As man cannot be omnipresent, god must be. As man is not omniscient, god must be. As man has a beginning and an end, god must be infinite. I suggest that if there are intelligent living beings on other planets, and I believe there are, then their concept of god will also be similar to ours, at least at some point of time in their existence. This will be because those living beings will share some characteristics with us humans. They will be born and will die. Like us they will not be omnipotent, omnipresent or omniscient. But like our god, there god will be. I also suggest that if intelligent living beings on another planet are involved in a struggle for existence as beings on earth are, then their concept of a personal god will also be similar to our concept. Their god will also be loving, caring, helpful, merciful and forgiving because in a situation of struggle for survival, qualities like non injury, love, mercy, forgiveness etc. will be virtues anywhere, everywhere.

However, if we examine the most popular concept and attributes of god, we will find that there are some inconsistencies. These inconsistencies surface on applying new scientific knowledge or tricky but logical questions. I read one such question which challenges God's omnipotence in Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time". Can god make a stone which he cannot lift? If he can but cannot lift it then he has limits and if he cannot make it, then it is also a limit to his powers. Another question challenges god's omniscience. Does god know his limits? If he does, he has a limit and if he does not then also his knowledge is limited. It is within a man's reach to give up his powers, position and even his life. But can god do that? Can god commit suicide?

We often read or hear about the concept of predestination. It means that whatever happens, happens according to the will of god. Nothing is beyond his will. If a person does something good, it is because of god's will and if he does something bad, it is also due to god's will. Even the fact that a person is a believer or an atheist is the will of god. But if every act is willed by god, so why does he apply the measures of right or wrong to human actions? Why does he reward or punish? Even if a person kills, it is the will of god. So why should he go to hell? For obeying god? In fact by the above logic, everybody should go to heaven. So even Chengiz Khan and Hitler should go to heaven. There is no need for hell. If a person dies a natural death, we say that god took him away, that his time had come. But when somebody dies in an accident or is murdered, we bay for the culprits blood. Is it not contradictory?

Some people do not believe in predestination but believe that god has given man free will. But if man has free will, it means that god does not know beforehand what is going on in this world. He is not aware of what you or I are going to do in the next moment. This puts a limit to his omniscience. The concept of free will is also qualified by the concepts of heaven and hell. If god gives us a free will then why does he reward or punish us for using it as we like? If after giving us a free will, he expects us to use it according to his wish as revealed through divine revelations, then what type of a free will is this? Is not god being whimsical? Then are we a result of god's whims rather than his glory? In the later part of this book, we will go a bit deeper into this concept of the free will.

When I was in school, we were told in our moral science book that if two enemy soldiers fight, kill and die in battle, both will go to heaven. If that is true, then the perpetrators of 9/11 should also go to heaven as many radical Muslims think. After all they gave up their lives for their people and their faith. They believed as sincerely in their cause as a soldier who is ready to lay down his life for his people. The Nazis also believed in the justness of their cause. Their soldiers also fought WW II for their people and their country.

We generally think of god in terms of his relationship with man. But it is also pertinent to ask what is god's relationship with the grass which always gets eaten or trampled or with the deer or sheep which becomes the victim of the lion. Is god closer to the lion than to the sheep? Does he favour the strong and not the meek? Or does he not care at all about lower beings?

The concept of an immanent and personal god has also come under threat with the growth of science. That is why religious leaders are generally critical about scientific discoveries and inventions. We once believed that god created man as he is. We believed that god created the earth. We believed that the earth was flat. We also believed that the earth was stationary and that the sun revolved around the earth. But new discoveries in biology, geography, geology and space science have proved these concepts wrong. So if god did not create the earth or man, would he still care to have a direct personal relation with man, would he still observe each human activity and then judge him? We now know that the universe is much larger than what we imagined before. Our earth is just on of the nine planets of a medium sized star which is one of the billions and billions of stars in our galaxy the milky way. And the milky way is just one of the billions and billions of galaxies in the visible part of the universe. So in a universe which is so large that the earth is just like a speck of dust, would god give so much importance to man? It is indeed flattering to think that.

Some people say that our conscience is the voice of god. It tells us what is good or bad. When I was in school my moral science book told me something similar. But this view is absolutely incorrect. In fact our conscience is shaped largely by our socio cultural environment. It is based on the beliefs, customs, traditions, sense of right and wrong within our social group. For a Muslim, eating meat would not bother his conscience but for a Jain who is brought up on the idea of non violence, it might prick his conscience. If a vegetarian or even a non vegetarian Hindu eats beef, his conscience will be pricked because beef eating is taboo in Hinduism. In societies that allow cross cousin marriages, you can think about your cousin as a prospective spouse but in societies that do not allow such marriages, such thoughts might make you feel guilty.

I have heard, read and seen on television about people claiming to have come in contact with god through meditation or intuition or revelation. But this is actually no more than a psychological state. Considering the orderliness of this universe, it seems strange that god reveals himself to ordinary people like you and me in such a random manner. And is it not hard to believe that a person who comes in contact with god, the ultimate reality, continues to live like other human beings, he eats and sleeps like us and even needs the same air we breathe? Neurological researches by doctors and scientists have revealed that people who take psychotropic drugs also have such strange experiences. I have also read about and watched people on TV who claim to have died and to have had a glimpse of the other world. But doctors explain these experiences as merely psychological. They tell us that these could be a way in which the human brain tries to get away from excessive pain. I have also noted in my readings that near death experiences are often culture dependant. Some Christians claim to have reached a garden with angels in it (the story of Adam and Eve?). Some Hindus on the other hand claim to have been taken to heaven by yamdoots i.e. the messengers of yamraj the Hindu god of death. If anybody says that if he comes in contact with god after drinking whisky or while intercourse, can we prove him wrong? Infact there were cults in ancient and medieval India (like the tantric cult) which claimed that the path to god lay through 5 Ms namely Madira (alcohol), Maansa (meat), Matsya(fish), Maithun(intercourse) and Mudra(dance). Similar is the case of people who claim to have met god. Difficult to believe but equally difficult to prove wrong.

It is said that worship helps because god listens to your prayers and answers them. No doubt worship relaxes your mind and gives you a positive psychology. Science agrees that worship and meditation have a good effect on the brain and the body. It has been observed in experiments that meditation is linked to the release of useful chemicals in the brain. But it does not mean that god is listening to your prayers and sending his blessings to you. By that logic, Jains who do not believe in a personal god should get no benefit at all from worship. Followers of primitive religions who worship trees, animals, stones and mountains should also not benefit. But they do. Their prayers also get answered. Because worship is a psychological exercise. There is a science behind worship. It releases the stress on your mind and body and keeps you in better shape.

When Pope John Paul II was bedridden, millions of people all round the world prayed for his recovery. John Paul was not only the head of the Roman Catholic Church, he was also a very wonderful person. But still god took him away and the prayers of the people went unanswered. On the other hand, Terry Schiavo an ordinary and till recently unknown woman was kept alive by the feeding tube for 15 long years. No doubt science was not developed enough to make her normal but it nevertheless kept her alive. So who proved more powerful, the prayers or the feeding tube? When I discussed these things with my friends and colleagues, some of them said that the pope died because the time of death is fixed, it comes when it has to. Alright, if death must come at the fixed hour, then why do we punish murderers? They should rather be respected for being instrumental in the execution of god's will.

If god listens to our prayers, whom will he treat better, a person who is an atheist but a good human being or a believer who is otherwise a criminal. If in a 100 metres race, there are 8 contestants and only one can win, who will win, one who worships regularly or who works the hardest but is an atheist. If the atheist wins, does it mean that deed is greater than prayer? Some people may say that god helps those who help themselves. But those who help themselves may not need god for help. Lord Byron, Voltaire, Mark Twain, Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russel, Sigmund Freud and Stephen Hawking were either atheists or did not believe in a personal god. But they did help themselves and their achievements helped the entire mankind.

I have accepted above that worship is a useful tool even if it does not involve god. But I have met people who are so over zealous about the concept of worship that they assign miracles to it. This is the reason I want to suggest a simple experiment to verify this claim. I admit it sounds a little unethical but to a believer, it should not cause any worries. I recommend that we select a good ordinary God fearing person about whom there is a consensus amongst religious leaders of various faiths. Scientists should inoculate him with a common but serious disease about which science is sure that it cannot be treated except by medicine and that if untreated, it will only get worse with time. We shall confine our friend to a house in hygienic environment and provide him hygienic food. Then all the believers of the world including our friend himself shall pray for his recovery. As our friend is himself religious and as he believes that prayers reach God and as he knows that people around the world are praying for him, his frame of mind will also be positive. We should observe our friend for a sufficiently long time say a few months. If in that period, he recovers then it will prove that God answers our prayers. But if his health deteriorates to the point of no return, then it would be obvious that God does not answer our prayers. Then it will prove that worship is a mere psychological phenomenon not a divine one. This experiment will also tell us something about the relationship of God with man and about the existence of a personal God.

I would also say that our concept of God may be limited by the boundaries of human knowledge, thought and language. God may possess dimensions and attributes about which we are unaware, which we do not know or can not feel. Animals do not think about God because they have limited mental facilities. But are our mental facilities developed enough to know God? Also I would want to know as to why God is always regarded as male and never as female. Is it because our society has been traditionally male dominated? Here I would like to quote the great Greek philosopher Epicurus who did not think much about the concepts of god and afterlife-

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?

Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?

Even though I do not believe in the concept of an immanent personal God, I do not denigrate it as Proudhon did. On the other hand I think that it is a beautiful concept and is of much use. The concept of God in fact performs the very important task of helping in survival of mankind. When man did not have many answers about his surroundings or about his own purpose in life, the concept of God provided an answer. (Before Darwin we did not know that all life exists to survive and reproduce). The concept also provided sanction to religion, the force that guided human affairs for thousands of years. God's sanction makes a religion infallible and unquestionable. From the general behavior of people, we can make out that the most common reasons for worshiping God are fear, anxiety, helplessness and powerlessness. The greater the fear, the uncertainty, the helplessness, the greater is the need of God. When you get a simple headache, you do not pray to God because you know that a simple tablet will take care of that but when you get a deadly disease, you ask God for help. Have you observed how students suddenly become religious during examination days? Because there is pressure, fear and uncertainty. When we are in difficulty, we pray to God, beg his forgiveness and even make promises to him. If somebody close to you does not return home tonight, you will start by searching for him yourself. Then you will report to police, and then you will turn to God for help. If the search goes on a little longer, you may even go to a place of worship. If things do not improve even then, you will go to places of worship with greater fame, or will make bigger promises to God. Some people may even visit religious places connected with other faiths to get their wish fulfilled. As the situation becomes more uncertain, you try harder to get more divine help.

Have you ever wondered why people who believe in God never search for him. Have you thought how little time people devote to God. If God is the ultimate reality, the highest truth, then should not people do much more to know about him? But they do not, because to the majority of believers, it actually does not matter whether God exists or not. People do not care much about God. They give more importance to making their lives comfortable, to their careers to looking after their families or to attracting the opposite sex. It is sufficient for most people that he exists to solve their problems, to help them in distress, to take care of them. That is why most of our prayers involve either seeking favours from him or thanking him for what he has given to us. When we are kids, we think that our parents can solve all our problems. So whenever we need help or assurance, we run to our parents. But as we grow up, our problems get bigger and our parents seem helpless. So we need God. As we grow older, our problems become even bigger. We ourselves become physically weak. Disease and pain increase and our hold over our surroundings starts to loosen. We become more powerless. And so our faith in God increases all the more. A survey of the religious places in free liberal societies all over the world will show that the greatest frequency of visits to these places is that of middle and old age people or of those caught in mundane problems of life. In the final analysis, for the vast majority of the people, the concept of God proves to be most useful as a means to the Darwinian goal of survival and perhaps that is what it is. Perhaps God exists because man needs him to exist. That is why I said earlier that it is a beautiful concept.

In my discussions with people, I have found that it is a common view that absence of faith in God will lead to chaos, confusion, greed, violence and immorality. But I do not agree with this view. Has faith in God made people moral? Has it made people upright? Has it prevented people from exploiting other people? Did it prevent slavery and slave trade? Did it prevent people from fighting catastrophic wars or from killing others in riots? The people who dropped the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were believers. Those who exterminated Jews in Europe were not atheists either. On the other hand there are religious like Jainism and Buddhism which have no place for an immanent personal God but which lay as much stress on love, compassion, upright living, morality, non injury etc as any other religion. In fact the history of their origin, growth and spread is much less violent than those of many other believing, theistic religions. In Hinduism, two of the six schools of philosophy namely Samkhya and Vaisheshika explicitly do not believe in the concept of God. But they do not preach violence, hatred or greed. What I want to say is that absence of belief in God will not lead to disorder, violence and immorality per se. Infact it might make people more responsible about the consequences of their actions.

There are people who are pantheists. They believe that the cosmic order is God. This view was prevalent amongst ancient Indian philosophers and Greek thinkers. Some people even believe that Einstein's formula E=mc2 (Energy=mass of an object multiplied by the square of the speed of light i.e. 1.6 lakh miles per second) is in fact the formula of God. It supports the pantheistic view that this cosmic order is God. Because whatever exists in the universe is either mass or energy. Both are interchangeable and the law of conservation of energy tells us that the total energy in the universe can neither be created nor destroyed, neither the increased nor decreased. So, if pure energy is God, and it can be converted to matter, then it is omnipresent and omnipotent. Everything that exists is part of god or in fact God itself. It has been said in Hindu philosophy 'Kan kan mein Bhagwan hai' God is present in every grain. But can we say by virtue of Einstein's theorem that 'Kan kan Bhagwan hain' - every grain is god? But people will not easily accept the concept of the cosmic order as God because it will be of no use in their matters of day to day survival.

In ancient Europe, disputes were often decided by making the people involved to fight between themselves. It was believed that God would help the right person to win. But today we do not solve our disputes like that. We do not think that in case of a fight between two people there is much scope for God's intervention. Similarly if we closely observe many other day to day affairs of the world, we will find that there is not much scope for God in them as well.

To conclude, I would say that in context of our present knowledge and under application of rigorous logic, the concept of an immanent, personal God does not stand much of chance. But whether God exists in some transcendent form or not can not be said with certainty. The concept of God is linked with the creation of the universe which is the ultimate and the biggest mystery. I believe that only after all lesser mysteries of the world have been solved and all knowledge has been gained, might we be in a position to know whether God actually exists or not. Till then, anything that is said about God will be pure speculation. Till then, it will be as true to say that God exists, as to say that God does not exist or that this cosmic order is God in itself. So, was Buddha right in refusing to speculate about the existence or absence of God? Is the search for God an exercise in futility after all? Perhaps we will know one day or we will never know.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

How To Let Go Of Hurt! Thought For The Day - Nov 21 2011 Today's 'Thought For The Day' video will be about how to let go and forgive someone that has hurt you. If you have a subject you would like me to address please email me at Please share this video around and leave a comment. See you again tomorrow.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

How To: Oblique Twist "Wood Chopper" (LF CAble)

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Edgar Cayce - 3

Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 January 3, 1945) (pronounced /ˈkeɪsiː/) was an American who was believed[by whom?] to be psychic. He is said[by whom?] to have demonstrated an ability to channel answers to questions on subjects such as health or Atlantis, while in a self-induced trance. Though Cayce considered himself a devout Christian and lived before the emergence of the New Age Movement, some believe he was the founder of the movement and had influence on its teachings.[1] Cayce became a celebrity toward the end of his life and the publicity given to his prophecies has overshadowed what to him were usually considered the more important parts of his work, such as healing (the vast majority of his readings were given for people who were sick) and theology (Cayce was a lifelong, devout member of the Disciples of Christ). Skeptics[2] challenge the statement that Cayce demonstrated psychic abilities, and traditional Christians also question his unorthodox answers on religious matters (such as reincarnation and Akashic records). Today there are thousands of Cayce students, more than 300 books written about Edgar Cayce, members of Edgar Cayce's ARE worldwide [1] and Edgar Cayce Centers found in more than 35 other countries.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

History Of Olive Trees

Olive trees, 'Olea europaea,' are the oldest fruit trees and certainly are one of the most important fruit trees in history. Olive tree culture has been closely connected to the rise and fall of Mediterranean empires and other advanced civilizations throughout the ages. Because olive trees offered wealth and future food supplies to established civilizations, the agricultural nations became stable societies, resulting from a secure expectation from past experience of an uninterrupted food and olive oil supply. This factor was a necessary requirement for population growth and increase. Dependable fruit production and olive oil production means that olive trees must exist in a stable society and a peaceful environment. That stability must extend for many years, since most ancient seedling olive trees required eight or more years before ever producing the first crop of fruit.

Productive orchards of olive trees meant that a foundation of the great empires of Greece and Rome had arisen and developed into complex economic and political forces. It is interesting to note that the historical decline of these empires corresponded to the destruction of their olive tree orchards that reduced the available supplies of olives, olive oil, olive wood, and olive soap. In connection with the destruction of olive orchards, it is interesting to note that in the Israeli wars with Palestine, 50,000 olive trees were destroyed by Israeli bulldozers. That act of agricultural destruction resulted in considerable anger and unrest along the Gaza strip and the West Bank, because the economic livelihood of many Palestinian farmers depended on their products from the uprooted olive trees. Additionally, the olive tree was historically a 'peace and goodwill' symbol, and when the olive trees were leveled near the city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus and the "Cradle of Biblical History," that elimination of olive trees seemed like a deliberate provocation to end the 'peace' with the Palestinian settlers and farmers.

Medical properties of olive oil were reported by many ancient Greek writers and philosophers, their importance in creating nutritional benefits and wealth for Greek citizens continues abundantly today--some Greek olive tree orchards containing a million or more trees. Aristotle wrote extensively about the accepted methods of successfully growing olive trees.

Greek mythology records that Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and peace, struck her magic spear into the Earth, and it turned into an olive tree, thus, the location where the olive tree appeared and grew was named Athens, Greece, in honor of the Goddess, Athena. Local legend tells us that the original olive tree still stands growing after many centuries at the ancient sacred site. Citizens still claim that all Greek olive trees originated from rooted cuttings that were grown from that original olive tree. Homer claimed in his writings that the ancient olive tree growing in Athens was already 10,000 years old. Homer stated that Greek courts sentenced people to death if they destroyed an olive tree. In 775 BC Olympia, Greece, at the site of the ancient Olympic stadium, athletes competed and trained, and winners were triumphantly acclaimed and crowned with a wreath made of olive twigs. Ancient gold coins that were minted in Athens depicted the face of the Goddess, Athena, wearing an olive leaf wreath on her helmet holding a clay vessel of olive oil. The Greeks began olive cultivation in 700 BC.

The sacred lamp that was used in ancient Greek culture for lighting dark rooms at night was fueled by olive oil. Aged olive oil was also used in sacred anointing rituals of the church at weddings and at baptisms. Herodotus wrote in 500 BC, that the growing and exporting of olives and olive oil were so sacred that only virgins and eunuchs were allowed to cultivate orchards of olive trees. The first documented plantings of olive trees may have occurred during the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete and are believed to have been growing around 3500 BC. That civilization predates the discovered Mycenae olive fossils from 1600 BC and later in the Greek empire. Sturt Manning, an archeologist from Cornell University, reported in Live Science Magazine (Apr 28, 2005) that the most devastating volcano in 10,000 years occurred on the Greek Island of Thera, after which the city of Akrotiri was totally buried by the falling ash. The finding of olive wood and olive seed fossils buried near the site has shown through carbon dating that the volcanic eruption occurred between 1660 and 1600 BC and may have contributed to the total destruction of the advanced Minoan civilization (Atlantis) on the isle of Crete and may have led to the formation of the Sahara desert in North Africa after vaporizing the native forests there.

The fragrant flowers of olive trees are small and creamy white, hidden within the thick leaves. Some cultivars will self pollinate, but others will not. The blossoms usually begin appearing in April and can continue for many months. A wild, seedling olive tree normally begins to flower and produce fruit at the age of 8 years. The fruit of the olive tree is a purplish-black when completely ripe, but a few cultivars are green when ripe and some olives turn a color of copper-brown. The size of the olive fruit is variable, even on the same tree, and the shape ranges from round to oval with pointed ends. Some olives can be eaten fresh after sun-drying and the taste is sweet, but most olive cultivars are bitter and must be treated by various chemical solutions before developing into edible olives. If the olives are thinned on the limbs of the trees to 2 or 3 per twig, the ultimate size of the olives will be much larger. The fruit is gathered in mid October and should be processed as soon as possible to prevent fermentation and a decline in quality.

The leaves of olive trees are gray-green and are replaced at 2-3 year intervals during the spring after new growth appears. Pruning yearly and severely is very important to insure continued production. The trees have the unproductive limbs removed, "so that it will be more fruitful" John 15:2. An olive tree can grow to 50 feet with a limb spread of 30 feet, but most growers will keep the tree pruned to 20 feet to assure maximum production. New sprouts and trees will emerge from the olive tree stump roots, even if the trees are cut down. Some olive trees are believed to be over a thousand years old, and most will live to the ripe old age of 500 years.

Olives generally are beaten off trees with poles, harvested mechanically or by shaking the fruit from the trees onto canvas. Most ripening olives are removed from the trees after the majority of the fruit begins to change in color. It is important to squeeze out the olive oil within a day after harvesting or else fermentation or decline in flavor and quality will occur. The olive oil can be consumed or used in cooking immediately after its collection from the press. Olive oils are unique and distinct, each brand of olive oil having its own character, as determined by many factors, like those unique flavor differences found in fine wines. Prepared commercial olive oils can vary greatly in aroma, fruit flavor; whether the taste is, flowery, nutty, delicate, or mild, and the coloring of olive oil is quite variable.

Olive oil produces many health benefits when used in cooking or when poured over salads. The use of olive oil can improve digestion and can benefit heart metabolism through its low content of cholesterol. Experts claim that olive oil consumption will cause a person to grow shiny hair, prevent dandruff, prevent wrinkles, prevent dry skin and acne, strengthen nails, stop muscle aching, lower blood pressure and cancel out the effects of alcohol.

Olive trees can survive droughts and strong winds, and they grow well on well drained soils up to a pH of 8.5 and the trees can tolerate salt water conditions. In Europe, olive trees are normally fertilized every other year with an organic fertilizer. Alternate bearing can be avoided by heavy pruning and generally the trees respond to this very quickly and favorably.

Olive trees should be purchased that have been vegetatively propagated or grafted, because the seed grown trees will revert to a wild type that yields small olives with an insipid taste. Olive trees are more resistant to diseases and insects than any other fruit tree and, therefore, are sprayed less than any other crop.

Even though commercial production of olives in the United States is only 2% of the world market, great interest in growing olives throughout the South has been stimulated by the recent introduction of promising cold hardy olive trees from European hybridizers. Many European immigrants to the United States grow their own olive trees in large pots, that can be moved in and out of the house during seasonal changes.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Q-30: "THE SYSTEM:" A Biological Reason for Programmed Behavior:pt-4

"THE SYSTEM" is based on Darwinian, "survival of the fittest," laws of nature. But this "SYSTEM" rewards only the strong. By definition this is to be selfish, corrupt and therefore- CORRUPTION is MAJESTY. Hence this realities and its governing principles must obey these laws and for this reason spirituality and naturally God, cannot exist in a purely material and corrupt world.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

RIC & Mtsar. 1/4-Colonization & Historical Amnesia

Michael Tsarion interview with Henrick Palmgren... http

Visit : Wireless baby monitor

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Metaphysical Development & Disciplines Part 2

One of the most important metaphysical state to acquire is tranquility. Without calmness and serenity it is impossible to carry out most of the other metaphysical exercises or to establish a bridge between the lower and higher aspects of the microcosm. Tranquility is developed through resting the mind, body and emotions in the meditative state. In Buddhism this form of meditation is called samatha. Another form of meditation often associated with samatha is vipassana, or insight meditation. This is basically an introspective exercise where one strives to develop insight into one's real nature. When the goals of samatha and vipassana are reached one acquires the state of bodhicitta--an enlighten mind.

Our metaphysical development are marked by certain planetary initiations given in higher realms by the Spiritual Hierarchy. These initiations stabilize the new plane of consciousness and frequency-level attained as a result of spiritual evolutionary progress. These initiations also afford us a certain degree of spiritual power. There are 9 planetary initiations that concerns humanity's spiritual development into divine god-hood. Along the Spiritual Path, the average person first aspires to perfection. This is the stage of "the Aspirant." When prepared mentally and spiritually to a certain degree the Aspirant is then accepted as a disciple by a Spiritual Master. The Path of Discipleship takes one through the initiations step by step. In the first initiation he is regarded as a Christ-child newly-born. In the second and third initiation the Christ-child gradually matures. In the fourth initiation, esoterically called the "Crucifixion," the unfolding human soul attains liberation from samsara, or the cycles of birth and rebirth. Here he acquires the title of Arhat, Wali, or Saint. Human perfection is attained in the fifth initiation where one becomes a "Master." The experience of the ascension is acquired in the sixth initiation. At present, little is known of the seventh, eighth, and ninth initiations.

Metaphysical Disciplines

Below we present some invaluable principles, disciplines, and practices that would not only raise one's awareness and vibratory frequency, but also form the basis of the unfoldment of divine virtues and powers, and anchor spiritual aspects of the microcosm into the physical/etheric force-field. When the ultimate goal of these disciplines are reached or attained man will no longer be man, he will become a god, a divine being, a Son or Daughter of the Supreme Being. It has long been proclaimed by Christian evangelists that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Nowadays we hear that the Aquarian Age or the Golden Age is at hand. Nothing has essentially changed. It is the same message that the Higher Intelligences ruling the Omniverse wishes to convey to humanity. Waiting for the Kingdom of God or the Golden Age to appear is not dependent upon time in any way. It is not a future event but a state of consciousness. One will never enter heaven or the glories of the New Age by waiting. Passivity will not help man to attain the state or condition that he longs for. Man reaches the peak of attainment by striving, by personal effort, by moving along with the evolutionary current. The way has long been shown by mystics and Spiritual Masters. It is up to us to follow in their footsteps. Spiritual disciplines can be considered as the vehicle that would transport us to the spiritual goal, to the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Below are some precepts and disciplines helpful in the spiritual life:

1) Try avoiding the use of the word "I" in everyday speech. Do not emphasize the lower self in any way. Instead of saying, "I like this," say "This is nice." By putting this discipline into action we eventually displace the lower ego with the power and influence of the Higher Self. We would gradually express self-surrender and self-sacrifice and acquire group-consciousness where the Great SELF is perceived in all.

2) Imagine, feel, and know that everyone you meet, that every creature you come across, that every plant or spirit that appears before you is an expression of God--that God is present in every one. Remember the teachings of the Master Jesus: he taught that if we harmed, hurt or did something to another we also did it to him. Every true Master feels this way; their identification with All That Is is so complete that they feel the emotions and thoughts of others as their own.

3) In conjunction with the above practice, do not forget to maintain a constant awareness that your very essence is of God, that in fact you are an embodied Christ or Buddha. See the world through the eyes of an enlightened, compassionate being. Minimize unnecessary thoughts and feelings whenever possible. However, just maintain an awareness of the divine presence within you.

4) Cease filling the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with negative energies and substances. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, consume narcotics or drugs. Gradually become a vegetarian. Avoid foods and beverages that contain chemicals, preservatives, etc. Processed and cooked foods are bad for the physical system. Emotionally and mentally speaking, change every negative thoughts and feelings into their polar opposite. Whenever a negative feeling emerges quickly transmute it. For instance, when you begin to feel anger, calm yourself down and feel peace by recalling your true identity as a divine spark of God.

5) We do not own anything. Realize that it is impossible to own anything, so therefore renounce possessiveness. We are not able to own ourselves, what more other people or earthly goods. Everything comes from Nature and goes back to Her at Her own pleasure.

6) Make sure that every word that passes your lips goes through the three gates of truth, kindness and necessity.

7) Fill your minds with divine thoughts and assume divine attitudes (see article on Divine thinking).

8) Discern what is Real from what is false. Do not be attached to the false, illusionary, ephemeral objects and conditions in life. Always look for the Real, the essence underlying all things, be attracted and attached to that. It is permanent, unchangeable, infinite, and boundless. It's nature is bliss.

9) Serve others. Forget the wants and desires of the false ego. Be a willing instrument of the Divine Will.

10) Always give thanks for what you have, for the life within you, for your life on earth, for the varied experiences that Life offers you, or for any other reason that you can think of.

11) Maintain cleanliness physically and spiritually. Keep your homes, offices, cities, country and world tidy and in order. By doing so we emulate the Creator.

12) Be graceful and harmless in everything that you say and do.

13) Express unconditional love and affection to those around you without being overly attached to them.

14) While bathing imagine yourself being cleansed by a powerful white light.

15) Study the precepts of the Saints, Avatars, and Mystics to be found in all Holy Scriptures.

16) Do not live in the past or the future, live in the now.

17) Constantly affirm the following:




18) Before falling asleep direct your attention and thoughts to the highest possible level.

19) Jot down all of the psychic and spiritual experiences that you may have.

20) Engage in spiritual study, meditation, occult disciplines, and physical exercises. This will help transmute sexual energy into a higher form needed to fuel and activate dormant brain centers.

21) Refrain from watching too much television and movies or reading trashy novels, or involving oneself in senseless gossip.

22) Connect with Nature. Go to the mountains, the seas, the woodlands and attune your consciousness with them. Walk barefoot, absorb the Earth energies, breathe in the vitalized air and bathe in the sun rays.

23) Socialize with those of similar spiritual interests; exchange ideas; support and encourage others that their faith in the spiritual path may be strengthened.

24) Periodically, retreat to a secluded place several days or weeks at a time to conduct metaphysical exercises.

25) Take several breaks in the course of the day to attune yourself with the Cosmic forces and the Divine Mind. This will not only recharge your batteries but also clear your mind, inspire and awaken your creativity.

26) Cultivate humor. Do not take yourself seriously.


Meditation as one of the most important practice in spiritual culture is to be found in all religions. There are many systems and forms of meditations with varied goals and purposes. Mahayana and Tantrayana or Vajrayana Buddhism offer an excellent array of systems of meditation that serve souls functioning at various evolutionary stages. The many esoteric practices of yoga, such as Kriya yoga and Lama yoga likewise are wonderful practices of meditation that promotes soul-development. Western and Taoist alchemy, although complex, provide interesting forms of meditations that regenerates and accelerates the body's basic frequency. The Sufi, Christian, and Kabbalic tradition are replete with their own forms of meditation that are most helpful in attaining the spiritual goal. When the Master Jesus told us not to pray in public buildings as hypocrites would but to seclude ourselves up in our personal rooms and close the door, he was in fact referring to meditation. Our "room" is our consciousness and the "door" is our objective senses that channel external impressions or stimuli. These senses should be closed (Pratyahara) so that our awareness may be focused upon a higher level where the Spirit (Father) dwells:

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. " (Matthew 6:5-6)

We may undertake meditation for lesser goals such as health, overcoming negative emotions, stress-management, etc., but always keep in mind the higher purposes of meditation. One of the prime objective of the discipline is to anchor the Divine Consciousness into the lower principles of the microcosm. This is an aspect of the "unio mystica," or the "mystical union" as termed by Christian mystics. It is the marriage between Man and God. Others call it "Cosmic Consciousness," or "Samadhi." The mystical union is the manifesting of the New Jerusalem, the "abode of peace" in our minds and hearts. Effects of this divine awareness is the "liberation" from the cycles of birth and rebirth, and the attaining of "Nirvana"--the "blowing-out" or the transcendence of the false ego.

Meditation causes changes in the physiological and psychological functions. It alters one's awareness and releases certain chemicals and hormones that relaxes and regenerates the whole psycho-biological system. Meditation causes an attunement between the higher and lower aspects of the microcosm as it builds the "antahkarana" or the "golden bridge" that unites the two. One's basic frequency is raised during meditation and this facilitates metaphysical communication through telepathic means. Meditation also raises one's intelligence, one's I.Q., E.Q., and S.Q. In more advanced forms of meditation, the kundalini energy is raised from the base of the spine to the head to meet the down-pouring of the Shivaic forces emanating from the higher aspects of the Soul.

The Mayan Calendar Solar Glyphs

The ancient Mayans have bequeathed to our generation an interesting technology that may be utilized as a system of scrying or meditation. This is the Calendar Solar Glyphs. It is unknown, however, if it was actually used for meditation. Modern occultists have found, notwithstanding, that it facilitates soul-awareness.

The Mayans are a mystery to archeologists and scholars alike. Their technological development in astronomy is truly amazing. Their calendar-system is more advanced than any of our modern developments in that area. Where and how did they acquire their knowledge? According to Occult tradition, the Mayans as well as most of the other American-Indian tribes came from the lost continent of Atlantis. This legendary (now gradually proving to be historical) continent, or perhaps archipelago, said to have submerged into the ocean depths over twelve thousand years ago, developed a highly advanced technological civilization. It is believed that they even developed space-travel and interacted with beings from other solar systems and galaxies. Time-travel and inter-dimensional travel are supposed to be some of the occult technologies possessed and kept secret by the Atlantean priesthood. Were some of these secrets handed-down to the Mayans? Why and how did the Mayans vanish from the face of the Earth without a trace? Did they utilize their secret technologies to shift to a parallel world or to a different dimension? Or perhaps much more plausible, did they build cities underground miles below the earth where they may still be living today? We can only speculate.

What interest us at this present time is the twenty solar glyphs that they left us. These glyphs are part of their calendar system. Recently, occultists have discovered that these glyphs represent powerful Cosmic energies and that these energies may be accessed by meditating upon them. It may be possible that the Mayans physically ascended to a higher plane as a result of the utilization of these symbols during meditation and through their other undiscovered technology--as far-fetched as this may sound. These glyphs represent stages of soul-growth and the lessons that we have to learn at each level; however, we are personally unable at present to determine how these solar glyphs relate to the Mayans lunar-based calendar, for lack of information. Below we offer instructions on how to use these glyphs as a practical system of meditation.

Generally, we should choose the glyph to meditate with according to order, that is, beginning with glyph No. 1, Imix, However, you may if you wish, choose the glyph that you intuitively feel attracted to, or the one that resonates the most with your spiritual consciousness at this present time. Your choice of glyph will change as time goes by in accordance to your spiritual development, and emotional/mental needs. Meditate constantly with one of the glyphs until you feel ready to move on to the next or another glyph. These symbols are keys that open Cosmic portals where spiritual energies may be accessed. By meditating upon any one of them you begin invoking their energies. Be aware that energies are alive and possesses consciousness of some sort. During meditation upon these glyphs you may begin interacting telepathically with them. Do not fear when this happens. Start communicating and ask questions relevant to your spiritual development, your life, and your well-being. Since the energies of these solar glyphs are powerful, we caution you not to be over-stimulated by meditating excessively upon them. Do not meditate on these images for more than ten minutes.

Begin by sitting in the meditative pose. Relax your mind, body and emotions. Do some deep breathing and then focus upon one of the glyphs given below, holding and visualizing it in the mind in its given color for not more than ten minutes, and using the name of the glyphs as mantras; and then releasing their image and resting your attention upon the Silence, the Emptiness, the inner space of the soul for another ten minutes or so, awaiting impressions, activations, healings, and the balancing of the energies within the lower principles of the microcosm. Those of the magickal traditions, might want to scry and use the glyphs as portals to different realities. The "Sign of the Enterer" may be used for this. Below is a table of the glyphs and their general purposes.

[Please see the original paper at our website for the table]

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sons of God

The old or the sinful nature was inherited from the first man [Adam] before we were born again. Salvation is a gift of God. While He ascended He gave gifts to men. He took captivity [Sheol] captive (Romans 6:18).

They [i.e. all the souls of Old Testament saints] were not able to enter heaven because they did not yet receive salvation or the nature of God which is the new man that is perfectly righteous made in the image of God. So only the Gospel was preached to those spirits in prison, including all those [i.e. disobedient saints] who died during Noah's flood time (Eph 4:9-10; 4:24; 1 Peter 3:20; 4:6), that they might live according to God in the spirit [which is the new man that is born again] (1 Peter 4:6).

Without Holiness no man will see God (Heb 12:14). So only David also spoke about his soul being in Sheol [The abode of the dead] and his confidence in the Messiah that 'He will not leave David's soul in sheol.'(Psalm 16:10).

In the flesh how were they judged? According to Romans 6:23, they all died physically [This was the wages of sin], But the Gift of God [i.e. free gift of salvation] they received is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Even in Luke 16:22, the Bible speaks about Lazarus carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom where people were comforted and rich man was tormented in the flame and a gulf existed between them. This was Sheol.

Even to the criminal who was crucified when he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when you come in to your kingdom". Jesus said to him, "Assuredly I say unto you, today you will be with me in paradise." He was speaking about the abode of the dead as paradise because first He descended in to the lower parts of the earth (Eph 4:9) and then He ascended far above all heavens, that "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow,...of those under the earth." (Philippians 2:10).

The Son of man sitting at the right hand of power, is His Kingdom that was coming upon those in heaven and those in earth and those under the earth that He might fill all things (Mark 14:62). Jesus preached the Gospel to the spirits in prison before His resurrection, So only when He rose from the grave, many of the Old Testament saints also rose from their graves and were seen by many in Jerusalem (Isaiah 26:19 ; Matt 27: 52-53; 28:2).
"by whom [the Spirit] also He ((Jesus) Christ ) went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, While the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is eight souls were saved through water." (1 Peter 3:19-20).

Who were these people for whom God waited in the days of Noah who were formerly disobedient?
These were the Godly people whom God separated, to bring out the Messiah at the right time. They themselves were expecting God to send the redeemer [Messiah] who will restore their life from sin and will restore the fellowship with God as before the fall of man. So only Lamech named or gave the name Noah to him when he was born, Lamech himself expected rest from the curse of the ground. So he named him Noah which means rest (1 Peter 3:19, 20; Genesis 5:28-29).

After Lamech begot Noah, he lived 595 years and had many sons and daughters. Totally he lived 777 years and he died. This is a number of perfection which symbolically shows that he produced a line of people whom God considered perfect by separating them for himself. These people were God fearing line of people who lived during that period of time. This is the reason God had differentiated the line of Cain from the line of Adam's God fearing line in chapter 4 and 5 of Genesis. Noah was 500 years old when he begot Shem, Ham and Japheth and they married and had God fearing wives and they lived along with the Noah and his wife.

Now how many of them were truly God fearing [i.e. Obedient to the voice of God by their life styles]? Eight.

How God considered them God fearing? The answer starts when God starts to separate and define these people at the end of 4th chapter of Genesis. "...Then men began to call on the name of the Lord." (Gen 4:26). It all started with the new son Seth which means appointed in the literal Hebrew, who was born to Eve instead of Abel [Which means Breath or Nothing] when Adam knew his wife again. This was the place where God appointed a people of Faith. After this Seth begot a son named Enosh. As the Bible says from there on this Godly generation began to call on the name of the Lord.

The Bible says in Genesis 6:1, "...When men [Unbelievers or ungodly immoral people] began to multiply....". In verse 2, "...the sons of God [God fearing obedient men] saw the daughters of men [Unbelievers], that they were beautiful; ...". In the Bible Adam is called as the son of God to denote his direct relationship with God and him being in the image and likeness of God (Luke 3:38; Genesis 1:26-27; 5:1-4). Naturally these sons of God must be the God fearing descendants of Adam.

The God fearing people did two great mistakes,

(i) They took wives for themselves from unbelievers. [Note: The plurality of the language (wives not wife)]

(ii) They chose all those women based on their own will apart from the will of God. [There was no covenant commitment and monogamy (Luke17:26-27)].

In Gen 6:3, in other words God said, 'I will not compel them to obey, by My Spirit, to do things the right way, So that they will not be destroyed with unbelievers.'

The Bible says in Gen 6:4, "There were giants [Heb.Nephilim, fallen or mighty ones] in those days...". When the believers and unbelievers got mixed up, their children were the mighty men [violent men] who were of old, men of renown. Here the word nephilim in Hebrew was the same word which was used for giant size strong men who lived in Canaan's land (Num 13:32, 33). Does that mean that angels were having relationship with women to produce these men in Canaan's land? No! Not at all. But in context in the next word, "Then the Lord saw....that the intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5).

God was not concerned about their size but God saw the intent of the thoughts of man. That means because of an unholy alliance between God-fearing obedient people and line of Cain or ungodly violent people, man has corrupted himself and everyone had got mixed up except one man where the filtered Godly genealogy stops and God said "it is time for judgment because the earth was filled with violence through them." (Genesis 4: 9, 13). Besides this evidence, Jesus Himself has told in Matthew 22:30, "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels [which includes fallen and the good angels (Job 1:6,12;1 Samuel 19:9;1 Kings 22:19-23;Luke 1:19)] of God in heaven." In other words, Jesus has plainly said angels cannot procreate by having intercourse like humans. What more evidence we need, to say that the Sons of God were just human beings in Noah's time and not angels.

Comparing the 4th and 3rd verse of Genesis 6, We can easily say that the genetics of man was so blessed even after he got cursed in Eden, he was so strong that he lived for hundred's of years. God specially has given the lifespan of the genealogy of Noah to emphasize that they were strong and extraordinarily healthy. When they got mixed up, they produced men with such blessings that they were giants on earth and afterward these men who were mighty in strength, size and men of renown who had special skill and intelligence. By that time, the devil have started to use the blessings of God to fill the earth with violence. Because these Godly people did not obey the voice and promptings of the Spirit of God, He cannot let these disobedient people to be used by the devil, So God shortened their lifespan so that they will not fill the earth with violence.

In spite of God shortening their lifespan they began to multiply and fill the earth. But the problem is because of their disobedience their heart was filled with violence and through them in all the earth. In other words the earth was becoming a living hell. This state of the earth pushed God to judge the earth.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kevin Trudeau - Networking, Financial Freedom, Get Rich

Kevin Trudeau Show - 12-15-09 - Part 5 of 12 Topics: Networking, Financial Freedom, Get Rich Listeners have compared Kevin Trudeau's radio show to the best parts of Michael Savage, Howard Stern, Art Bell, John Tesh and Rush Limbaugh. Kevin Trudeau is one of the most read authors of all time. His books have all been best sellers and have sold over 30 million copies globally. Kevin's most controversial book, Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About was number 1 on the New York Times best sellers list for 26 weeks in a row becoming the best selling health book of all time. The Kevin Trudeau Radio Show originates from studios at Trudeau's World Headquarters in Chicago. Visit for more information!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Indoor Waterfall - Mandara Spa -

Mandara Spa at AtlantisInterior Design by Lori Rapport, Interior Designer Inc.Waterfalls Set the Tone at New Mandara Spa at A Mandara Spa at AtlantisInterior Design by Lori Rapport, Interior Designer Inc.Waterfalls Set the Tone at New Mandara Spa at Atlantis ResortThe Harmonic Environments team completed one of our most challenging projects to date when we unveiled 10 custom waterfalls at the new 11500-square-foot Mandara Spa at Atlantis, Paradise Island, The Bahamas in late spring 2007. (m

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Atlantis Spirit - Jewelery Providing Luck, Fortune and Happiness

Many of the ancient cultures believed that different pendents and charms would help them proposer, and that is true for the Atlantis Ring, Pendent and the Nile Cross, the artifacts will bring, luck fortune, health, protection or happiness to the wearer.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

March of the Atlantians - Hidden Viking History

Legend has it that the Atlantians were our Viking ancestors. The artifacts plus the Atlantis Narrative and writings of ancient Egypt tell us that is true history.

The Atlantians (our ancestors) migrated all through Europe and Asia Minor. They were stopped at the borders of Egypt, time frame 1500-1300 B.C. They occupied all of Greece except Athens, who stopped them.

Solon, the famous Athenian, who studied in Ancient Egypt was the one who took the story back to Greece. He heard it from the Egyptian priests. The story of the Atlantian (Viking) invasions. He did so because he was proud that his Athenians had the courage to be the only ones who stopped the invasions.

The reason why these invasions were dismissed as 'unhistorical fairy tales,' is because the leading, modern archaeologists placed Atlantis in the wrong location and in the wrong time frame. But the stories of the account of the invasion which the Egyptian priests told Solon is true history. Their statements correspond exactly with the events of 1200 B.C.

The march of Atlantean ancestors is know as the 'Great Migration.' The Egyptian records tell how Athens checked this invasion of the North Sea Peoples.

Atlantis does not take it's name from the Atlantic Ocean, but from Atlas, who was the god who stood in the North under the Pole Star, on the Amber River Eridannus.

Archaeological research has shown that the thickly populated area of North Europe lost most of it's population during the thirteenth century B.C. The natural catastrophe of the Comet Phaeton was a cause of the migration as well as the sinking of Atlantis.

Many of the trade routes which have been set up by the North Sea Peoples (Atlantians) now became escape routes. The natural catastrophies in the Nordic area could no longer support the population. The migration was from the North to the South.

The German archaeologist H. Hoffman, came to these conclusions, without knowledge of the ancient Egyptian Medinet Habu text. This text suppoorts precisly the finds of the archeology material. The homeland of the North Sea Peoples was destroyed by natural catastrophes.

"...Their Souls were in utter despair and the need of their mouths (hunger) drove them."

A rich supply of archaeological evidence traces their routes to the South. They used the old Amber Trade Routes. Along these routes, Urufields (cremated dead) and grave mounds of the North Sea Peoples were found. The "Germanic Flange- hilted sword" was the favorite weapon of the the North Sea peoples and found everywhere.

The North Sea Peoples took three different routes on their way to Egypt. The first went up the Elbe and Oder Rivers, to the Danube. They drove out the Illyrians who lived there, who in turn moved to the Alps.

In the second half of the thirteenth century B.C., the North Sea Peoples reached the Hungarian Plain. The inhabitants fortified their settlements, but were driven out regardless. They retreated to the rim of the Carpathians.

The invaders from the North, brought a new culture to Hungary. It was called the "Urnfield Culture." The conquerors of the North built grave mounds for their chief men, and Urnfields for the commoners.

The 'Burial Mounds and Urnfield ' archaeological finds in Hungary are not native to Hungary. They were brought there by the North Sea Peoples, our ancestors. They settled Hungary for some time.

Next article, "They Break Out Again."

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Health Benefits of Silica and Quartz Crystals

I am certain that most of us might have seen the quartz tag in wristwatches and clocks - primarily those that run on batteries. Did you know that the same mineral is present in abundance all over the earth in various shapes and sizes? In your primary classes, you might have heard about a compound - silicon dioxide - did you know that quartz and silicon dioxide are the same? Although this mineral is well known for its industrial uses, certain members of the population use the same crystals for sinister purposes - it is fabled that these crystals have the capability to heal the body.

Take a peek into the customs and routines practiced by various civilizations. You will find that inhabitants of those eras were very particular about this mineral. There are countless myths surrounding these crystals. Some of these beliefs are very interesting - the Japanese thought that these crystals were formed because of the respiratory activities of their dragon gods. Similar beliefs can be found among the ancient residents of Australia. It is also fabled that the lost city of Atlantis boasted of artisans who were proficient in making living beings out of quartz crystals.

Most of us have seen mystics in action (at least in the movies). They spend time chanting into a clear crystal ball. Ancient magicians believed that we could connect with the dead by pondering over these clear crystals. Are you interested in learning more about these crystals? The Chinese believed that these crystals, when positioned in an appropriate manner could release or deflect energies. They believed that there are positive and negative energies. Therefore, by utilizing the crystals in the right manner, one can absorb positive energy to realize the advantages. One can also deflect negative energy - this will help them to remain safe.

There are certain facts about these crystals, which the modern man tends to ignore. Actually, crystals act as a medium between him and positive or negative energies. Harness the positive energy and you will be able to realize happiness throughout your life. These crystals will help one in collecting or accumulating positive energy. When one is surrounded by the aura of positive energy, they will remain free from medical ailments and will be covered in richness. Psychics use these crystals for the same reason - to create a channel through which they will be able to converse with the unknown forces.

Ever since the primitive days, quartz crystals were considered as healing stones. Excavations have revealed that, by laying out quartz crystals on affected body parts, various kinds of diseases could be neutralized. Never underestimate the healing powers of these stones - people have experienced the vantages; the intelligent are experiencing the advantages even today. Empowering oneself with the right kind of crystal jewelry can make or break your day - try it out for yourself, and you will realize the difference. You can rectify any kind of ailments regardless of its affectivity. The earlier you start using these crystals, the better are your chances of finding eternal happiness.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Crystal Healing - Unblocks The Negative Patterns

Crystal healing, as a therapy in it, may appear to be new, using ideas and methods from many cultures combined together, but the present day interest in crystal healing is simply a continuation of mankind's fascination with gemstones and minerals down the ages.

Crystal healing unblocks the negative patterns by raising the vibrational frequency of the energy field that surrounds your body. Because healing is the process of working with the energy fields that surround your body, with the help of crystals you will have added vitality and feel whole again.
The energy field is the energy of the soul.

Working with the energy of the soul is the highest form of intervention you can receive. Because it is the most efficient way to identify and eliminate the root causes of both psychological and physical illness. Crystals do this by working on the body energy centers, known as the 'Chakras'. When the 'Chakras ' are not working correctly you will feel unwell or tied.

Crystal healing in some form or another has been practiced by almost every society on earth, many of which had deeply rooted belief systems that supported holistic ideas and methods. However, without this cultural foundation, crystal healing has largely become an area of faith and "flakiness". You either "believe" crystals can heal or you do not, with little or no rational explanation of how it might work
These crystals were ground up and sprinkled directly on wounds, and scientist today have proved that it is an effective bactericide. Others believe crystal healing is even older, beginning in the ancient civilization of Atlantis or possibly even ' Lemuria'. The ancient Greek and Roman healers such as Pliny and Galen used Hematite for headaches. Pliny also used it for blood disorders. But the one common belief was the tremendous potential of healing properties that these stones contained.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Scott & Sean- Q&A- Ep. 3

Ask your questions here! (1:00)- Taha Cravings! I was wondering how you and Sean overcome cravings? I'm currently on a cut diet and constantly craving pizza or something I used to have as a fat teen ager. (5:13)- Hold mydice How much cardio is too much for muscle loss? (7:50)- Ernest Pershing How often should you switch up your workout? (10:55)- Robert Quinn Scott, I was wondering if you could go over avoiding plateaus. Do you change your routine every month? I was just wondering exactly how you avoid these because I have stopped seeing gains after about 2 months of hard work now. Thanks! (14:23)- Mike Ng My question is about loose skin after losing a lot of weight. How do you get rid of it? Will it go away as you gain muscle? Check out for more information and detailed exercises! Join the most supportive and fastest growing community on facebook! Check out my Routines & Tips on the SEARS FitStudio page! :) iPhone App! Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN Check out my Meal Plan!: TRX Purchase Link: Follow me on Twitter!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is Coral Castle a Link to the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids?

The lost science of the Ancient Pyramids was discovered by a modern-day man, Ed Leedskalnin who single- handedly built a limestone castle for his sweetheart.

Today, Coral Castle sits at the edge of the Florida Everglades, ready to withstand any hurricane. Built in the early 1920s for Ed Leedskalnin's sweetheart, Agnes Scuffs, this masterpiece has been compared to the Great Pyramids because of the precise stone cutting, fitting, and the size and weight of the stones that were used to create the castle. Leedskalnin claims the library was the source of the "lost" construction methods that were used to create the pyramids and the Coral Castle.

Who is Ed Leedskalnin?

Before Leedskalnin was born, his mother visited a psychic named Madame Drusa. She predicted a son was to be born in late March, 30 days early and he would have a restless spirit. Furthermore, she saw that he was once a resident of Atlantis as a sculptor and this lifetime would astound the world, bringing back an ancient lost science used in the Great Pyramids. Born 1887, in Riga, Latvia, he left not long after his 26th birthday. The day before Leedskalnin was to be married, his fiance' called off their wedding and wouldn't tell him why. Heartbroken, Leedskalnin eventually landed in Florida City, Florida and purchased an acre of land for $12. Here, he started building a dream home for his sweetheart, known today as Coral Castle.

Hand Tools Made From a Junkyard

With only a shovel, wheelbarrow with no body, small block and tackle and truck springs that he sharpened into wedges, Leedskalnin spent his nights moving up to 30 tons of rock to create the castle walls. Weighing a mere 100 pounds and 5 feet tall, he would only say he knew the secrets to building the ancient pyramids and if he could learn them, others could master these techniques too. It's said that Leedskalnin worked alone. Nobody ever saw him work, if anyone came upon him, he seemed to have a sixth sense of being watched and immediately stopped working.

Leedskalnin and the Power of Magnetic Therapy

Leedskalnin says he healed himself of tuberculosis through a device called a "Megatron," which operated like a battery charger for the body. He placed a magnet inside a wooden pyramid wrapped with copper wire. Every afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., he sunbathed on his back, wearing dark blue sunglasses repeating the mantra his grandfather shared about the essentials of happiness: "Something to do, something to love and something to hope for." According to Leedskalnin, he tapped into a power energy source he called "Magneticity." He thought that was what electricity should be called, arguing that it's actually nothing but magnets. He had hoped to provide the whole world with free clean energy. Many more surreal accounts surround the saga of Coral Castle and as with other lost civilizations like Stonehenge, the Egyptian Sphinx, and the Great Pyramids, a mystery remains.

The Secret of Coral Castle

Several years later, still alone but not dejected, Leedskalnin moved his entire castle, piece by piece, ten miles north to its current location in Homestead, Florida. Even though he claimed he built for love, why did he design Coral Castle to be a polaris, star-aligned astronomical observatory, out of 1,100 tons of coral; completely furnished with a sundial, 25 one-ton rocking chairs and a 9 ton swinging gate? In 1951, Leedskalnin died and left quite a legacy. However, in 1984, his work of art received recognition and was added the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, the question is, will the secret of this lost science surface again in a future generation?

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Relaxing Music Therapy - Relaxing Music - Waterfall Nature Scene

Relaxing Music Therapy For Stress Relief Relaxing music therapy is a very potent phenomenon. Sounds can soothe you, fire your imagination, bring you to the heights of ecstasy or bring you down to the depths of your soul. Music is known to relax and to help in stress relief. In the right manner, music can bring lightness into a serious situation. Relaxing music therapy can heal, soothe and bring calm tot an agitated mind. Defining "relaxing music" seems a matter of personal choice. Some people find the serene sounds of the waterfall and chirping birds relaxing while others relax with their favorite hard rock. How Does It Work? The therapeutic effect of relaxing sounds seems to have a scientific definition of its own. When the human brain is relaxed it produces more alpha brain waves. When a person is stressed out, his brain produces more beta and theta waves. Beta and theta waves are faster changing brain waves than alpha waves. Within the fight-or-flee logic of a sudden stressful situation, the human brain processes seem to speed up to act faster. This can be helpful in short, specific moments, but it is counter productive when it becomes a chronically state of being. A relaxing tune can help with its sounds typically rich in frequencies that are similar to our alpha type brain waves. The mind is always open to suggestions and thus when a person is agitated or tensed, relaxing sounds, rich in alpha like frequencies, can actually bring brain frequencies down from theta to ...

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Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism

Have you been busting your butt in the gym trying to gain muscle that just isn't coming? If you are a hard gainer and adding muscle seems about as possible as discovering the lost city of Atlantis, don't give up hope. Hard gainers with super fast metabolisms can still add serious muscle mass to their physiques. In fact, some of the biggest, strongest athletes in the world started out as skinny hard gainers. If others with fast metabolisms can add muscle to their bodies, you can too. You just need a plan of attack.

Step 1 - Eliminate or Drastically Reduce Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is important to your overall health, but to jump start your muscle growth, you need to eliminate or drastically reduce your cardio sessions. If you're lifting weights 3 or 4 days a week and doing cardio just as frequently, you may very well be short circuiting your muscle gains. You can gradually add cardio exercise back to your routine, but for the next few months stop doing any aerobic exercise. You need to focus all of your attention on lifting weights and recovery time.

Step 2 - Power Naps

If you have a good weight lifting routine, you need to figure in additional periods of rest. Ideally, you should be getting 8 to 10 hours of sound sleep every night, and several power naps throughout the day. If you have 15 to 30 minutes where you don't have anything important to do, take that time to lay back and catch a few Z's. Your body builds muscle while you are resting, so the more rest you can get, the more chances your body will have to add muscle mass.

Step 3 - Dieting for Mass

If you read the latest and greatest about eating to gain muscle mass, you'll find people suggesting that you eat lots of small, protein-dense meals throughout the day. Well, they're wrong. While this type of eating plan will work for people who put on muscle easily, it won't work for a hard gainer. You should still eat frequently, but eat larger, protein-dense meals. Strive to get 2 grams of protein for every pound of lean body mass that you carry around. This will probably require taking some amino acids and drinking a few protein shakes every day, but those are small prices to pay to have a powerful, muscular physique.

Keep these three steps in mind and develop your fitness plan around them. By working out hard, eliminating cardio exercise, getting lots of rest and eating monstrous amounts of protein, you'll cease being a hard gainer as you pile on slab after slab of powerful muscle mass. You may have to work a little harder, and follow a stricter plan than most Ordinary Joes, but you'll finally have the huge muscles and lean, powerful body that you've always wanted to have.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Retiring The Shuttle Discovery Is A Historic But Sad Day For The Space Program

New Seniors well remember when the Russians launched the first satellite, Sputnik, back in the mid-'50s. It signaled the beginning of the space age. We made some progress with manned space flights but we lagged behind the Soviets and were losing the race. It was President Kennedy's promise that the United States would land a man on the moon in the next decade that inspired us to this great achievement.

The Discovery was an important part of America's supremacy in space. But now, after flying 39 missions since 1984 and racking up nearly 149 million miles while spending a record total of a combined 365 days in space, this workhorse of NASA's fleet is home safe and sound and for good. With the launch of the shuttle Endeavour followed by Atlantis this phase of our space program will end.

There has been much success with the program, but the tragedies will be remembered as well. Americans were shaken by the explosion that occurred seconds after launch of the Challenger shuttle in 1986. In 2003, we were again reminded that space travel is a risky business when Columbia burned up while entering the earth's atmosphere.

Some of the most notable products and technical advances attributed to the space program are: scratch-resistant glasses, freeze-dried foods, athletic shoes, CAT scanners and MRIs, cool suits and cordless power tools to name a few. In addition, the Hubble telescope and the space station have the shuttle program to thank for their successes. Future efforts in space will likely produce similar technical and practical results.

Flight has come a long way since Orville and Wilbur Wright successfully faced the challenge of propelling a heavier-than-air machine through the air in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina back in December of 1903. The initial flight was over a distance of 120 feet and lasted just 12 seconds. The fourth and final flight of that historic day covered 852 feet and lasted 59 seconds.

The first flight showed that man could in fact fly and lit the fuse of imagination that continues to burn bright after more than a century. In WWI, the bi-planes played an important role. Following that airplanes had more utilitarian function. But it was WWII that set the stage for worldwide travel and shipping. Later, the jet revolutionized the importance of air travel by making it faster, easier and more comfortable.

Will the shuttle program act as the precursor to inter-planetary space travel? Will the inhabitants of earth take this for granted in the same way we accept jumping on a jetliner to go across the country in just a few hours as a perfectly natural thing to do? Or, will man's ingenuity result in a breakthrough that takes us to the stars faster and safer than we could believe? Whatever happens, the world will continue to benefit from America's successful space shuttle program.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Supercommittee Dems Buckle On Spending Cuts

Are the Democrats on the super-committee ready to cut social security benefits and make other pre-emptive concessions to the Republicans? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains. Subscribe to The Young Turks: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter:

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