
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Perfect World Gameplay

Read if you're new to this game! Do not show me all the classes in the game, just what I did and have not yet eliminated. There are four races in the game. Each race has only two classes that can be. We are human beings with the class wizard (you can do more damage in one blow, of course, a kind of magic) and BladeMaster. (The BladeMaster can use any melee weapon in the game, except for magical weapons and is known to be good at it AoE means area of ​​effect. So you can killthings at once. are not necessary in a game too because they are middle class. Barbarians are the tanks, archers, wizards and seers are damage dealers, and the clerk is the kind of support, which is a must BladeMaster?) Then there are the wild ride. The Untamed have evolved in animals and may change. Barbaro have careers (this class does not hit the most damage, but have more HP / Health Points in this game, so that when a partyare mostly the reservoir, which means making sure that the monster is attacking him and the other classes are in the shooting later. oh and the Barbarian also get a skill level 9, which can be converted into a white tiger, as seen in the video.) Venomancer and (now Venomancer is a single class, are a kind of magic that has the ability to tame monsters and they are pets. in the sense that they are the best to earn money and kill monsters, all you have to do is tell the animal attacksthe ...

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