
Monday, September 6, 2010

Hidden Viking History Vikings and Poseidon

Vikings and Poseidon

Kivak in a tomb in southern Sweden (1400 BC) is a panel that represents the god Poseidon. The temple also houses statues of gold of a god standing in a chariot drawn by six winged horses, surrounded by dolphins.

The statues were so high he touched the roof of the temple. The Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok Edda, it says that the island was a statue Samsø forty feet high on a wooden god, similar to the Kivak.

Scandinaviacave paintings of the Bronze Age of the gods figures show two or three times more people. Were the gods / goddesses of our ancestors giants?

In northern Europe from the Middle Bronze Age, was a cult of a god standing on a chariot drawn by horses and driven by a dolphin, Poseidon?

According to Swedish archaelologist, Martin P. Nilsson, the god Poseidon, came from a homeland in the north. In the early days Poseidon was associated with horses, carts anddolphins.

There are many links between this God, horses, wagons and dolphins in Greek religious cults.

Homer, in his 'Iliad', portrayed as a very old god Poseidon. Poseidon is said to have built the wall around Troy.

The walls around the temples of Atlantis were built by Poseidon also in time.

Among Achaens (Greeks) descended from the Viking peoples of Scandinavia and northern Germany Mar, and Poseidon was considered "old"God

In Sparta after the North Sea peoples migrated to the same, Poseidon was revived and played a key role in their religion.

Dorian (Greek) supported noble Poseidon as their tribal ancestors.

The Philistines Poseidon honor.

In the midst of the great 'Troy Town', on the island of Atlantis there was a temple dedicated to Poseidon. The temple of Poseidon was 183 feet long by 93 wide. The statues were covered with silver. Inside the ceiling, gold, silver and amberwere used.

The temples of Germany in the pre-Christain decorations were very rich.

Herman Muller, Nordic history, said that the description of the temple of Poseidon in Atlantis agrees closely with the palaces of the Nordic / Germanic gods, Odin, Thor, Freya, etc.

Even the bridge, in Atlantis, which connected the temple with the rest of the country can be recognized as the Bifrost bridge.

Forseti Temple in Friesland, has columns and golda silver roof.

Christianity has spread to Scandinavia and Germany and was baptized the inhabitants under the threat of the sword. Then they destroyed what they described as pagan shrines and took the treasures they found in the temples. What are probably stored in the basement of the Vatican with all our other treasures.

Scandinavian folklore tales speak of a golden city that lies beneath the sea, where the inhabitants were so rich that the canals and drains were made ofcopper.

Another story tells of a country that sank in the North Sea. The inhabitants were so rich that the horses shod with shoes of gold plow and plowed the ground with silver.

There is so much full of hidden history, which shows clearly that the people of the Nordic Sea (Viking ancestors) traveled throughout the ancient world (1500 BC) and the culture of the left, Commerce and Gods / Goddesses its path.

Why not see this on the History Channel?

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